Up in Smoke (Part of "Never Abandoned Mini One-Shot Series"

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Smolder woke up to see a letter on her table. She took it and unfolded it.

Dear Smolder:
Come to the Dragon Lands. I have a problem

Smolder groaned. Smokey was the closest thing to a best friend that she had back in the Dragon Lands, but Smolder was supposed to go to the Treehouse of Harmony with her friends, but she guessed she can't. She headed over to Ocellus' room, in hope that one of her friends will know the reason behind her absence.
"Hey, Ocellus" she said, popping her head in Ocellus' dorm room, where she was currently reading a book.
"Yeah?" Ocellus replied, without looking up from her book.
"I need to go to the Dragon Lands to attend to some sort of problem" she said. Ocellus looked up from her book.
"Are you sure you can do it on your own?" she asked "It wouldn't hurt if I'd go with you"
"Eh" Smolder said "I guess, but we have to tell the others first"
"And I'll have to pack first" Ocellus said.
After Ocellus packed for the trip, they walked through the halls of the School of Friendship, heading to Silverstream's room.
"Hey" Smolder said "Ocellus and I are going to the Dragon Lands to attend to a problem"
"Okay" Silverstream replied "Goodluck"
Smolder and Ocellus got ready to fly accross Equestria. Ocellus secured her saddle-pack and they took off. Ocellus got a compass from her back, she adjusted their direction until they were heading south, to the Dragon Lands.
Once they arrived, a dragon pushed the two aside.
"Thank goodness, you're here!" the dragon exclaimed.
"What's the problem, Smokey?" Smolder asked.
"I sorta took the Dragon Lord Scepter, and sorta lost it somewhere south, but Ember doesn't know it yet, and if she finds out, she's gonna get real angry, so I need your help to find it" Smokey said.
"Alright," Smolder said "but we'll have to leave someone to distract Ember"
"I won't be good at that" Ocellus said "Maybe Smokey can do it"
"Sure, she's good at distracting people, but she's the only one who knows where she lost it" Smolder said. Ocellus bit her lip in thought.
"Okay, we'll retrieve it" she said "But, Smolder, you distract Ember" Smolder nodded. Ocellus and Smokey got ready and took off.
Smolder prepared a party at the edge of the Dragon Lands, hoping it would be a good enough distraction for Ember. She took a step back to examine her work. She rolled her eyes. Of course this wasn't enough to distract Ember. She sighed. Her best was her best. Smolder went off to look for Ember. I hope the others already found the Scepter, she thought.
    Ocellus and Smokey stood on top of a cliff, which plummets down into the sea below. The weather ahead of them was terrible. A storm was raging. The wind went a hundred miles per hour. The rainfall was so heavy it could knock you down to the ground if you tried to fly.
    Ahead and to the right of them, there was a cave that rose from the water. That was where Ocellus said the Scepter was in. Both of them flew into the storm. The wind was knocking them back. They had to flap as hard as they could. Harderand harder. The rain threatened to send them plummeting down into the ocean.
    "The rain's sending me lower!" Smokey yelled, but her words were swept away by the wind. Ocellus closed her eyes and cast a spell, sheilding them from the rain. Smokey breathed a sigh of relief.
    "Woah. Thanks" she said.
    "Your welcome" Ocellus replied, "But I can't continue on any longer. The wind's too strong for my wings. The dragon wings are stronger, though. I'm afraid you'll have to continue on alone, but I'll leave the enchantment with you"
    Back in the Dragon Lands, Smolder was still trying to stall Ember from seeing the Scepter.
"Hey, Ember" she said.
    "Why are you here?" Ember asked.
    "There's a party. Wanna come?" Smolder asked. She cringed at how terrible she sounded.
     "Why should I go?" Ember asked.
"Because you deserve a break!" Smolder said. This was way harder than she thought.
"No" Ember said.
"Fine" Smolder said, "But honestly, you do deserve a break"
    "No can do. There's an emergency at hand" Ember said. Smolder felt her heart being squeezed at that statement.
     "They say a war's about to rage throughout Equestria. Real or not real, I want the Dragon Lands to be prepared for anything"-Smolder internally breathed a sigh of relief. So this is what the emergency's all about-"So I need to summon the dragons"
"But we don't really have to worry about the war since no one knows wether or not the news is real" Smolder said.
      "Why won't you let me summon the dragons? I thought they thought you in your little school that friendship was the key" Ember said angrily. Smolder gulped. She knew she couldn't keep Ember from seeing the Scepter any longer. She chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head.
     "Well, you see, the Dragon Lord Scepter is missing" Smolder said.
     "WHAT?!" Ember yelled, then flew off, presumably to check on it. Smolder gulped again and flew after her.
     "I can't believe it!" Ember yelled, then she spied Smolder at the entrance of the cave which houses the Scepter, "Who took it? Was it you?"
     "No, actually" Smolder said. She didn't want to say who, but she definitely knew she couldn't stall any longer.
     "It was  Smokey" Smolder said.
     "Smokey? Seriously?" Ember asked.
     "Yeah, but-"
      "I'm really sorry and now I've got it back"
     Ember and Smolder turned to see Smokey at the entrance of the cave, head hanging low, with Ocellus right behind her. Ember took in a deep breath.
     "That was wrong of you, Smokey, but I won't banish you from the Dragon Lands. How about spend a month without food and water?" Ember asked in an authoritative yet calm voice. Smokey nodded slowly.
     "Good..." Ember said calmly, "NOW GET OUTTA HERE!"


I'll just leave it at that. I haven't updated this in a while. Curse overseas travels

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