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    The School of Friednship was buzzing with excitement as always. Classes were always a blast and most students were usually in a hurry to get to their next one, after a quick chat with their friends. Silverstream flew happily through the hall, her head peering down at the many students. She always found them interesting to watch as they flew through the halls.

   The creatures here were just so... diverse.

Silverstream actually spent so much time looking at the ground that she learned the route towards the garden where she and her friends would meet, and that route was the very route she was flying on. After a few more flaps of her pink wings she emerged at the garden where her friends were all gathered around their usual picnic table, their chosen spot for meet-ups.

Silverstream's claws and hooves met the soft green grass and she placed her knapsack down on the floor, where the bags of her other friends were.

"You guys won't believe what I just saw!" Silverstream exclaimed, enthusiasm evident in her voice as she looked at her friends with her big bright eyes.

"Of course we won't," Gallus said, scoffing slightly as he rolled his eyes.

    He was still well concentrated on his Generesity homework of a split running stitch. Though what Silverstream had to say may be a good distraction from it. He looked up without knowing that his eyes betrayed his eagerness.

"Well, whatever I saw was weird. It seemed like a pony completely made out of water," Silverstream said, shaking her head, unsure whether she explained it right. Probably not. That was expected.

   "Can we see it? Maybe it parallels a creature from my book!" Ocellus says, showing her book to her friends. She had already finished doing all her assignments ahead of time not only because of her driving desire to learn and pass every single test thrown at her, but also in preparation for helping her friends.

    "Eh," Smolder said, looking at her friends, placing her book for Kindness on the table. She couldn't care less about her Friendship Studies. They were great and all, but she preferred doing them real time, "Beats studying"

    "But how about our test tomorrow?" Sandbar asked, face scrunched up in concern, as he usually is about... well... nearly everything.

"We can study later tonight," Gallus said, already packing his things, a bright light glimmering in his face.

The Young 6 looked at him, surprise written clearly on their faces. None of them suspected this Griffin who was struggling the most in his Friendship Classes to be the one to call off a Study Group.

Safe to say, if Gallus thought it was fine, then the others thought that it was fine, too.

"Friends just place everything back in dorm rooms then meet up back here, okay?" Yona asked, just to be sure. She looked at each of her friends' faces for a full second each to be sure they understood.

"Okay!" Silverstream exclaimed with a bright smile on her face as the others just nodded in agreement.

"It won't take long, will it?" the ever-careful Ocellus asked before she sighed and hesistantly began to pack her things.

"I don't think so," Silverstream replied, nodding with confidence.

"Alright then," Ocellus said, looking at her friends once again to see if they felt the same wariness as she did. Of course, they didn't. That was very much expected. They were definitely one of the most diverse friendship groups after all.

Ocellus frowned, though it looked more like an adorable pout, not that she was one to pout. It wouldn't hurt if her friends were as eager to learn as she was. Sadly, they weren't. She looked at her friends again. They were busy packing up. She sighed, her shoulders slumping. It was an unspoken rule, after all.

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