Carina: Chapter 5

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+*+ YONA +*+

      "Guys!" Carina exclaimed, galloping towards them with her mane flying behind her, and smacking poor Rosette once or twice in the face, making her shoot a short glare at her best friend.

    "What happened?" Yona asked, cocking her particularly large head to the side as she raised her eyebrows. She didn't really like this. She wished she was back home in Equestria, where the sun always shined bright and she could always feel safe there. She also missed the food. She hasn't eaten in a long time, and she would definitely bring that up later. What she missed most was the calmness of her Friendship Studies.

    Instead, she was stuck here with a burning wreck that used to be the giant upside down cone in the middle of the Engraved Hourglass Nebula. Yona frowned. Just her luck.

"Promise me, guys," Carina said the moment she stopped, making Rosette fall flat on her face. She didn't pay much attention to her sea green friend and looked at the six creatures. She felt like she could trust them, and they could trust her. No. She knew that.

Yona exchanged looks with her other friends, though she had to admit while space had been very interesting with so many new things, she really wished she could get all this space nonsense over with so she could go home, but Silverstream, always being the interested Hippogriff, asked, "Promise what?"

    "Promise me you won't tell anyone." Carina spoke very sternly, putting a great emphasis on each and every word. It was all starting to make Yona just the slightest bit queasy.

   "It was Orion"

"Oh, wow. How painfully unpredictable. The brother who left you now came back to wreak havoc in your city. What a bunch of drama queens," Gallus scoffed after he mocked the entire situation, making Carina roll her eyes.

"Okay, it may be very predictable and we may be making a huge deal of it, but there's this note, too," Carina replied, and for the first time since Yona met her she actually had a hint of humility and sincerity in her voice, but she was mostly trembling from fear.

    Carina turned towards Rosette and she, too, didn't have the usual skeptical face on and she seemed to be greatly upset with the situation. Yona could now see the sea green Pony had a saddlebag and she fished for a small piece of crumpled paper, handing it over to them.

    "There's paper here?" Smolder asked in disbelief, and the Yak had to agree that a civilisation in space was the last place she would look in when she needed paper.

"We can make stuff. Rosette can explain later," Carina snapped moments before turning to the said green Pony and raising her eyebrows, then she turned her head back towards the creatures, "But that's not what matters. Just read it"

So Yona did. She didn't really like it. Even though she had faced the villains of Equestria twice, the note still managed to unleash some horrible feelings that she didn't know could exist inside of her.

Hi, dad.

I don't know why you wouldn't like power. It's so simple after all. Who cares about the rules and regulations we've had before? All you had to do was make me Master of the EH. It's so simple, you old Pony! You're seriously going to pay for that...


     "That's just so silly. Doesn't Orion not want to stay here because it didn't offer him enough power?" Gallus asked, scrunching his face in confusion, clearly not wanting to surpress his doubts, and the Yak wished she could do that, too.

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