The Sleepover

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"Hey, guuuyyyyysssssss!"

Silverstream's loud voice echoes through the halls of the School of Friendship. She flies and flies, turns left and right, then right and left, until she makes it to one of her many intended deatinations. She stops at the door of Sandbar's room and knocks excitedly. Sandbar opens the door.

"What is it, Silverstream?" he asks, stepping back inside his room and inviting Silverstream inside. She is surprised to see that Yona is there, too, but recovers from the shock quickly, too excited to tell them the news.

"I'm planning to have a sleepover tonight at six! Wanna come?" she asks, smiling so wide. For a normal Hippogriff, all this smiling would hurt, but Silverstream was used to it.

"Do we? We'll definitely be there, Sil!" Sandbar exclaims. Yona jumped up and down, making the ground shake a bit.

"Yak so excited for sleepover!" Yona shouts. Silverstream smiles and flies out the door, eager to get the news to the rest of her friends.

Once Silverstream was done, she plops down on her bed excitedly and stares at the door, which draws her attention to what she painted on it. It is majestic mountain that seemed to rise out of the ocean. It is her home, Mount Aris.

Her gaze goes around the room, to the walls which she also painted. One wall has a painting of all her friends. Another one has a painting of her professors. The newest addition is a tribute to the Tree of Harmony. Her gaze goes to the clock on her bedside table, then back to the door. Her friends will show up any minute now...

Just as she finished her thoughts, Smolder and Ocellus go through the door. Smolder carries a sleeping bag while Ocellus levitates her own sleeping bag, along with some books, marshmallows and firewood. They place their things on the ground and areange the sleeping bags in some type of circle. They notice that there was another sleeping bag on the floor.

"Hey, uh, Silverstream? Why do you have your sleeping bag on the floor?" Smolder asks.

"It will definitely be more fun if I slept on the floor with you guys!" Silverstream replies, beaming, "But what's with the firewood?"

"Smolder and I planned to have s'mores. Besides, I knowa spell that'll keep the fire from spreading" Ocellus says.

After a while, everyone arrives at the room.

"Alright, guys! What do you want to do first?" Silverstream asks.

"I think we should do arts and crafts first, so that we can clean the mess together afterwards" Ocellus says.

Everyone chimes in their approval and the floor becomes littered with papers, paint, paintbrushes, pencils, string, beads and much more, provided by Sandbar, Silverstream and Yona.

Smolder darkens an entire paper using a pencil then begins to use an eraser to create lines. Silverstream, meanwhile, uses everything at her disposal and creates an image of a rather colorful forest. Gallus is absentmindedly sketching on a piece of paper. Yona, Ocellus and Sandbar work on a friendship bracelet for each of their friends, using beads of their hues.

Time flies by and the friends are finished with their works. Ocellus, Sandbar and Yona give out the friendship bracelets while the other three clean up the mess. Soon, everything is all sorted out.

The friends gather around a lamp in the middle of the room, taking turns telling stories while savoring a fresh batch of Griffon Scones, provided by Gallus.

Once everyone finish telling their thrilling tales or sweet stories, they clear the space in the middle which was surrounded by all their sleeping bags. They place a pile of firewood in the lamp's place. Ocellus set a little spell on the pile and Smolder lights it up with her fire breath. The marshmallows are handed out and they begin toasting them.

After a while, they were ready for eating. Silverstream excitedly bites her s'mores, but as soon her tongue comes in contact with it, she immediately pulls it away.

"Ouch! Hot hot hot!" she exclaims, fanning her tongue then chugs an entire glass of water. All her friends burst into laughter.

"You should've let it cool first, Sil" Gallus says.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Gallus yells out of the blue once everyone finished their s'mores.

"Yona will win! Yak best at pillow fights!" Yona shouts, grabbing a pillow and smashing it furiously to the air.

"Oh, yeah? We'll see about that!" Smolder yells, grabbing a pillow and she flies above the room, then dives down to hit Yona with her pillow. Yona stumbles.

"Oh, I'm not sure if that's a good idea..." Ocellus murmurs.

"Oh, come on, Ocellus! It'll be fun! I'll make sure no one hits you. We could be a team!" Silverstream says, smacking her pillow on the back of Gallus' head while he wasn't looking, to busy trying to attack Smolder.

"If you could be teams with Ocellus, then Yona! You're on my team!" Sandbar says shortly before getting whacked in the head by Smolder.

"Gallus! You and I are on the same team!" Smolder shouts, while flying up in the air to get a good vintage point.

The fight goes on until Yona drops to the ground, tired. Ocellus backs out shortly after. The battle rages between Silverstream and Sandbar and Gallus and Smolder.

Gallus and Smolder take to the air, disabling Sandbar to continue on the fight. Sandbar plops down on the ground and looks at the war above his head. Smolder and Gallus were continuously hitting Silverstream with no mercy, and Silverstream gave up trying to fight and instead used the pillow as a shield. It eventually got knocked out from her claws and she forfeits.

"Whoo, I'm tired! That fight certainly knocked the breath out of me! I need some rest" Silverstream says.

"Alright" Smolder says. The friends settle down, turn off the lights and say their good nights.

After a couple of minutes of perfect peace and quiet...

"Meow," Sandbar says. Smolder groans.

"What in Griffonstone, Sandbar?" Gallus yells.

"Shut up! Both of you! Can't you see we need to sleep?" Ocellus scolds them.

"We obviously can't see. The lights are off" Gallus says simply. Ocellus sighs dramatically.

"Everyone. Quiet. NOW!" Silverstream shouts. The room lapses into silence.

After another round of minutes...

"Is pony awake?" Yona whispers.

Smolder groans again.

"Griffon-damnit, Yona!" Gallus yells.

"Yak sorry" Yona says.

"May everyone please be quiet? And no more interruptions, unless you need to use the bathroom. Even then, please be quiet" Ocellus says calmly. The room falls silent.

After a few minutes...

"Ow!" Sandbar exclaims.

Silverstream groans. "What is it now?" she asks.

"Gallus stepped on my hoof!" Sandbar replies.

"Oops! Sorry! I was just going to use the bathroom" Gallus says, the sarcasm thick in his voice.

Ocellus groans. "Gallus!" she says, then sighs, "Do what you need to do, but after that, absolutely no more interruptions"

The room falls silent for what they all wished were the last time.

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