Sidetracked: Chapter 13-EOF

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+*+ SMOLDER +*+

No matter how much she could be hating Yona at that very moment, she wished that the Yak had also not have said it. She looked at the Yak one more time, and it seemed that she may have gotten a little too harsh on her.

The Yak's eyes were wide and her mouth was agape and trembling with fear, but the trait that outshone most of that was hurt. The Yak seemed truly hurt by all those words.

    It wasn't really her fault that she couldn't control her Dragon temper and Smolder had lashed out at Yona. It was practically second nature for her. Besides, the Yak really should have thought things through before deciding to ignore the existence of them all.

    "Yak sorry," the brown Yak whispered in a low voice, and the Dragon didn't bother to turn to look at her. She was still crossing her arms, her back facing her Yak friend.

    "I... forgive you," Ocellus said with great trouble, a long pause before she had continued to say the other two words, and the Dragon's ears couldn't help but perk up at that.

Smolder's eyes widened the moment she heard the words leaving the Changeling's mouth, turning to face Ocellus with one eyebrow raised, quite unsure what had just pushed her blue friend to say that.

"Smolder, Yona clearly had a hard time. Let it go, stay calm for me," the Changeling said with a smile that was telling the Dragon to trust her, but despite it she couldn't help but have a nagging feeling that Yona wasn't really sorry, nor should she be forgiven.

The orange Dragon had made a mistake of turning to her left, making her meet the poor Yak's eyes and she could see it all. The hurt, the sadness, but most especially, the guilt.

    Smolder didn't really want to forgive Yona just yet. She knew that the Yak didn't just her Ocellus' feelings. She had hurt all of theirs. She knew that as she looked at her friends.

Silverstream had always been the more optimistic of the bunch but she wasn't bothering in meeting's the Yak's eyes at all, and there was clearly sadness in her purple ones.

Gallus had stayed silent throughout the whole ordeal, but it was clear with how he always frowned and snapped at whoever trying to talk to him that he was affected, too.

     Smolder's gaze travelled to the Yak once again and she truly did seem sorry, but still. She had hurt them, and she didn't really respond well to that. It would take a long time before she would get to forgiving anycreature.

    She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms once again, turning away from the Yak and staring at some random round bottles hanging from the ceiling of Zecora's hut.

She then turned to looked at Ocellus who seemed to be very content. If the Changeling had forgiven the Yak so easily already, maybe she should as well?

Smolder took a deep breath. Was she actually going to cut her whole 'I'm not forgiving you' routine short and just skip to the end? She sighed. She probably was.

She looked up and slowly twisted herself to face Yona, and the Yak perked up, noticing the Dragon was now facing her. She bit her lip. She didn't really know what to do. She supposed she should just come out and say it. "I forgive you"

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