Fine-Chapter 2 of: The Edge of Friendship

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Sandbar's friends gather around him. Smolder bravely and readily stands next to him, willing to kick these bullies' butts. Silverstream flies on Sandbar's other side. A flying hero must certainly intimidate any bully. Unless, of course, the bully also has wings. Or has extremely strong magic that allows him to fly. Or is really gigantic and intimidating. Silverstream places her anxiety aside. Her friend needs help, and she will do whatever she can to help him. Ocellus also takes her place, flying above Smolder. Yona stands beside Sandbar. Gallus, meanwhile, just stands behind them, his face bored. The girls simultaneously look at Gallus, each with different reactions. Painted on Smolder's face is no other emotion than annoyance. She knows that Sandbar will need Gallus, and Gallus is just being a selfish brat. Yona looks at Gallus sadly. She doesn't imagine Gallus ever not caring about his friends, but she assumes he has a good reason. Ocellus looks at him with disappointment. After all those friendship lessons and saving Equestria, she can't believe this Griff still hasn't learned anything. Silverstream looks at Gallus with an encouraging smile.

"Come on, Gallus!" Silverstream says. Gallus groans and rolls his eyes.

"It's probably just a bunch of bullies," Gallus asks, "Nothing much, if you ask me"

This Griffin has been through a lot. From being bullied by other Griffin back in Griffinstone, to facing of Cozy Glow, to encountering his worst fear in the Catacombs of Harmony, to three of the most hated villains of Equestria. And bullies are not much compared to the other stuff he has faced. His face remains emotionless even as the bullies appear. There is a neon green male Unicorn standing in front, which Gallus assumes is the leaders, with spiky blue mane.

    "Oh, you want a showdown, retard?" the Unicorn asks. He raises his head up and a magic aura surrounds his horn. A great gust of wind whips up. Silverstream rolls her eyes as her hair is swept up to her left. This only makes her even more beautiful, Gallus thinks.

    "Dramatic, much," Silverstream says.

     Smolder scoffs and just swats his threat away like a few flies.

    "Bitch, please," she says, "You're nothing compared to what we faced"

     She breathes fire. The bullies retreat a little, but not the green Unicorn. He conjures up a magic shield from his horn. Ocellus hides behind Yona then turns into Starlight Glimmer.

"I am Principal Starlight Glimmer and I require you to stop bullying these heroes of Equestria," Ocellus-Starlight says.

The neon green Unicorn immediately gets rid of his magic shield and the dramatic winds. Everything is still once again. The bullies run away. Silverstream, meanwhile, looks at her mane, annoyed.

"I'm probably going to need some serious treatment," she says.

"You're telling me," Smolder smirks.

She, however, appears completely normal. She is grateful for having scales. It gives her less problems with how she looks. Then again, having a mane, like Silverstream, or lots of fur, like Yona, can be really fun, too. It's a rare occasion to see them in different dos, which is an even rarer occasion for Silverstream, since she doesn't like not appreciating her natural look. Smolder rolls her eyes at that. Hippogriff traditions. Yona usually has a different do after having a hard time in her life. She goes running to Professor Rarity then returns with a new do. Smolder has always wished to be able to change her own do. Maybe into something cute. Or at least work with her friends' mane or fur.

Yona, meanwhile, looks at her fur horriedly.

"Yak got to go to Professor Rarity!" Yona says, then runs off.

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