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     Luna readies herself on the balcony looking at the moon. It was almost time to lower it. Just a few minutes left then Celestia would raise the sun and creatures would go around doing their daily errands, except there were already some creatures who were awake.

     "Woohoo!" Smolder yells, flying to one of her best friends' room.

    "Hey, Ocellus! I got permission to go camping with you guys!" she says to her friend energetically. Ocellus looks up from her packing and smiles.

      "That's great! Let's go get Yona and Sandbar. Do you have your things?" Ocellus asks. Smolder turns around and pats the backpack she is wearing. They both nod then go out of the room, heading towards the rooms of their other friends.

     They arrive at Silverstream's room.

     "Hi, Silverstream! Are you ready to go?" Ocellus asks. Silverstream beams from her bed.

     "You bet!" she exclaims as she hops out of bed. She grabs a wagon from the back of her room and pulls it towards them.

     "That's a lot of things. You sure you aren't overpacking?" Smolder asks, "It's just ONE day"

     "I would never overpack! It's just that, after hiding from the Storm King in Seaquestria, we Hippogriffs know what to pack!" Silverstream says. Smolder rolls her eyes.

      "Whatever. Let's go get Gallus" she says then flies out of the room. Ocellus and Silverstream trot out after her.

      Smolder aggressively bangs on the door of her friend and an annoyed Gallus opens the door, asking why Smolder had to bang on it when he installed a doorknocker and ranting about needing sleep. Smolder dismisses everything and asks Gallus if he packed yet. Gallus nods and they go to get Sandbar. Once they arrive at the said friend's room, though, he was nowhere in sight.

      "I think I have a hunch where he is" Gallus says. He leads his friends through the School of Friendship and stops abruptly in front of a familiar door.

     "But that's Yona's room!" Ocellus says, "Why would he be there?"

     Gallus smirks. "Just trust me" he says, then opens the door. Ocellus' eyes widens. Gallus' hunch was right after all. Smolder fakes a vomit. Silverstream just gives an indifferent shrug.

     Sandbar and Yona were snuggling together in the middle of a pile of luggages.

     "Seriously!?" Smolder asks, "Do you want me to lose my breakfast? And who overpacked?"

Yona and Sandbar's eyelids flutters open at the sound of her voice. Yona, still sleepy, lets out a yawn. Sandbar, meanwhile, looks at his friends and starts panicking.

"L-l-look! I-I can e-explain. I was helping Yona pack but then we felt sleepy and-"

Smolder cuts Sandbar short. "Look, we don't care about your love story, okay? Let's just head to White Tail Woods"

They arrived at White Tail Woods during noon started setting up their tents. After arranging logs around the non-lit bonfire and setting up their tents, they exchange ideas on what activity to do.

"Let's plant trees! I brought a bunch of seeds. Or maybe we could write poems! I brought pens and paper" Sandbar suggests.

"This is camp, not class" Gallus says, "Besides, why do that when we can explore the forest"

"Why don't creatures try smashing logs?" Yona asks.

"Because we'd rather use them to make something" Smolder says.

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