Prologue: Dense

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I walked down the hall with my backpack, our school had finally ended for the day and soon for good. Soon would end all those nice little messages telling me how worthless I am, or to go kill myself and I can finally start working since stupid Takashiro keeps telling me he wants me to get my fancy diploma.

Seriously it's just a piece of paper... as I can probably print one out online or something...what can you even use a diploma for? It's not like I'm trying to be a big bad buisness man.

Can he blame me for wanting to drop out sooner? I'm the freaking leader and even though that means my subordinates work under me seeing us all cramped in that small two-bedroom apartment with only three people working is insane.

We can barely afford food at this point, but finally, we'll have three other full-time workers.

Graduation. What a paradise that will be. Maybe we can finally get the fancy top ramen? Or we can get larger bottles of panta...ooh panta...

One more week with all these people I spent my high school years with. All those weird idiots that I'll only see again awkwardly at the grocery store. One more week of messing with all of them until they can try and kill me one last time.

One more week with my only friend, the somehow popular yet still shy Shuichi Saihara. Everyone got along with him somehow, even me. It's like he has a harem.

I was about to turn a corner when I noticed certain emo, I grinned running after him. Finally, that idiot isn't hanging out with him!

"Shumai!" I called and Saihara turned around, "yeah Ouma?" He asked, "buy me some panta?" I begged. "Ouma you drink way too much soda" Saihara scolded, "but Saihara Chan panta is the best drink in the whole world!" I argued. I haven't had a bottle in weeks.

Saihara looked tired, "Ouma I'm sorry I can't hang out with you or buy you panta," He told me, "aww why not?" I asked. "My Uncle let me start a new case, he's finally giving me some more since we're graduating soon" he explained.

"Wow that's not boring," I said and Saihara looked at me, "was that sarcasm or the truth?" He asked. "Who knows," I told him, "so you're going to be an emo detective Saihara chan?" I asked.

"E-Emo?!" Saihara said confused, "You wear black, have little self-esteem, and don't talk a lot! You're my beloved emo detective Saihara chan!" I teased him.

"Can you stop teasing me like that Ouma?" He asked, "it's not nice to do that" he scolded. "What calling you my beloved?" I asked, "yeah, it makes you sound like you have a crush on me or something and you don't" he explained.

What a great detective huh? He's brilliant when it comes to cases...when it comes to my emotions and mind he's less than perfect...

"Nah I don't want to, sorry Shumai," I told him grinning, "well at least I tried..." he mumbled. He then looked over at me, "do you even live near here Ouma?" He asked as we kept walking.

"Nope~" I admitted, "I just like talking to Saihara chan," I told him and he shrugged already giving up.

"What are you doing after high school Ouma?" He asked, "I'm going to expand my organization, not too late to join me Saihara chan" I reminded him. "No thanks" he rejected. He's never going to huh? Oh well...what did I expect?

"Hey, Saihara!" I looked over to see Momota waving over at Saihara. A lot of our other classmates were with him too. "Do you want to hang out?" He yelled from across the street, "I'm busy" Saihara told him.

"You're always busy! Come on we're graduating! This will be one of the last times we all get together!" Momota argued. Saihara sighed, "okay fine," he said giving in and walked towards the crosswalk.

"You coming to Ouma?" He asked and I shook my head, "nope~ who would want to hang out with that idiot?" I asked. "You little brat!" I heard Momota yell from across the street, "oops! Looks like I gotta go! Bye Shumai!" I called running off in the opposite direction.

"Bye Ouma" Saihara called and I just kept running till I turned a corner. Saihara was long gone by now. My chest hurt as I laughed to myself walking back home, Saihara Chan always dense when it came to me.

Maybe that's what made him so much fun to hang out with and tease. Still...I would have liked it if he had once learned when I was lying.

And that everyone for once let me have a chance to talk with him by myself. We probably could've had fun.

I felt my face heating up with the thought. It's hilarious. Next week we probably won't ever meet again, so it's pointless to keep hoping.

I've had a crush on Saihara for as long as I've known him. And he's never had, and never will feel the same way. Guess that's what a liar like me deserves though huh?

And even though I kept trying to tell him he never figured it out. That's what I should have expected huh? He probably wouldn't have accepted them anyway...

I'll probably never see him again after graduation. He's meant to be someone amazing...and I'll be hated. That's life. I can take it.

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