Chapter Eleven: Midnight

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I should probably start to eat more healthy-

"Hah! Take that!" A voice called, I turned over curious to see a group of young adults beating something or someone. I felt some aggitation till one moved just an inch.

To reveal some purple hair and a checkered based scarf. My eyes widened as I raced into the alley, "leave him alone" I immediately screamed.

"And why would we do that?" One asked, there words were slurred. I took out my badge, "detective Saihara, you either cooperate or you're under arrest for assault" I threatened.

They grunted ran away as I rushed over to Ouma who seemed to be unconscious. They were covered in bruises along with some cuts.

Should I call one of his roommates? It would probably be a good idea...

I searched around and discovered Ouma's broken cell phone discarded onto the ground, I bit my cheek. I'm going to have to take him home with me...when he wakes up he can call his friends on my phone.

Awkwardly I picked him up and headed for my house.


"W-what...?" A voice called and I looked up from my book to see Ouma waking up, "oh good you're finally awake" I sighed in relief. Ouma sat up from where he was laying down on my couch.

"Saihara?" Ouma asked shocked, "oh! I found you on the street in uh...sticky situation, your phone was broken so I just took you back home with me" I explained.

"Do you want my phone so you can call home?" I asked, Ouma nodded but then seemed to pale a bit for some reason before hesitantly dialing the number.

"Hey Takashiro...." Ouma started and I left the room for a few minutes for some privacy. I still don't understand how Ouma even got into that situation.

"Well maybe~ He is cute" Ouma yelled and I blushed from embarrassment, "no he didn't kidnap me, he found me on the street.

"What do you mean I got a target on my back? This world is mine Takashiro!" Ouma cheered. He does have one huh? First the people from when we reunited at the and now someone from an alleyway.

What is even Ouma in on that gets him hurt so MUCH?

"Ok so can Nao come pick me up?" Ouma asked, "what do you mean you went out to eat?! This all started cause me and Chiasa went out to get you food!

"Are you kidding me? I teach some alley people a lesson and while everyone else is looking for me half of you go get food?!" Ouma screamed.

"Traitors!" Ouma screamed, "you're lucky you're a horrible liar!" Ouma called. I sighed in relief, I thought his friends actually ditched him on the streets...

"Hey Saihara do you have any snacks?" Ouma asked as he walked up behind me, "uh not much to be honest, I normally just have some take out and coffee" I admitted.

"Wow Saihara, here I thought you were my beloved" Ouma teased, "so are they coming to get you?" I asked. Ouma nodded, "yeah, what's your address? I need to text it to them" Ouma asked.

I quickly typed it into his phone as we awkwardly stood next to each other.

About half an hour later Ouma got picked up and whatever was beginning between us ended.

♤~♡~One Week Later~◇~♧

It was nearly midnight, I had once again failed to catch the thief.

I sat down on the table checking my mail when I noticed a weird envelope, it clearly wasn't left by the mailman due to the lack of any address.

It was decorated with a checkered pattern, along with a purple mask painted on where I could open the letter. Inside was the traditional calling card the thief would send, inside a single Joker card along with a note with cut outs of magazines to make the message.

Go on your roof, midnight~ Xoxo you're favorite ♡

I raised an eyebrow confused, what? This isn't how the thief normally calls out where they are striking do they even know my address?

I decided to check out the roof for curiosity sake. Up there was the thief grinning at me, "hey hot stuff!" The thief called, "what're you playing at?" I asked.

"Aww so you don't want to go on a date with me?" The thief asked, "a d-date?!" I screamed and the thief bursted out laughing as they walked up to me.

"What was it you said? You're going to catch me if its the last thing you do?" The thief asked, why didn't I grab my handcuffs...?

"Well then, you're heart is mine" the thief teased as they began running the opposite direction, "let's see who wins first mr detective!" The thief screamed as the night continued on.

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