Chapter Nine: The Naive Detective's Heart

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"What do you mean you're still single?!" My Uncle screamed from over the phone. I sighed, "I'm just not looking for a relationship Uncle" I told him.

"Shuichi, I'm saying this cause I love you...GET A RELATIONSHIP!" He screamed, "Uncle why're you so insistent on this?" I asked. It was way to late for this.

I had spent the past few weeks after meeting with Ouma at the library till he randomly ran away from me, it was a pretty strange situation if I was going to be honest.

I ended up just checking out the book he was looking at and was going to probably bring it to him tomorrow, "but Shuichi, do you even realize how many ladies back home want you?" My Uncle asked.

"When I was your age, I was a play boy Shuichi" my Uncle started, "I still remember my youth when a beautiful lady approached me...she had beautiful brown hair, a gorgeous purple dress, and HUGE-"

"I get it!" I interrupted, I could feel my face heating up intensely. There's no way this is happening..."unfortunately that women was your mother, so she was off limits" why uncle...just why?

"Well then Shuichi, you have to find someone eventually or you'll ne lonely like me" my uncle told me, "you're lonely" I asked. My Uncle sighed, "Shuichi...some people are better off alone, those who don't need partners...and others do, but don't find out till it's to late" he explained.

"Or some are stolen before you even knew" he mumbled, "have I ever told you of the story of the one girl I ever truly loved Shuichi?" My uncle asked.

"No" I said, "well growing up I had a dear friend, Shio" my uncle started, "she was a shy girl, and very patient with everyone and while she wasn't that bright she did help me a lot during the early days of me starting the agency.

"This was me during my play boy phase, I never could settle on any girl because I had loved Shio for years, but I thought she was to good for me. That she would only see us as friends and nothing more.

"I was so wrong..." my Uncle choked. "Such an idiot" he cursed,

"You see, it turns out Shio did love me but like her in most situations was to shy to say anything, so she ended up keeping it a secret till...

"Shuichi do you know what Hanahaki is?" My uncle asked, "hanahaki?" I asked curiously, "it's a disease where if you're in a unrequited love, those feelings manifest into flowers that will eventually kill you unless you either confess and your feelings are reciprocated, or you have a surgery which removes your feelings" my uncle explained.

"What did Shio do?" I asked, "nothing, she chose not to interfere...she just seemed to disappear from my life...and by the time I finally had gotten the courage to confess she was dead." My uncle admitted.

"She died from that disease...confessing to me in a letter...I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for not noticing her true feelings or her disease" My uncle mumbled.

"So Shuichi, get out there already! Date a few people, get your heart broken a few times, break someone else's and find the one who completes you!" My uncle insisted.

"What if...the person I like I can't ever have?" I asked. My thoughts going back to the thief and the many encounters we have had since that second night over a month ago.

My uncle paused, "that's bull sh*t" he said. My eyes widened, "if its the right person you can make it work, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out" he said.

"So dont be giving me those excuses, and just go find that person ok Shuichi? I'm only getting any younger and I want to at least meet your future children!" My uncle insisted.

"But you'll end up spoiling them rotten and sending them home" I teased, "what? Is that not a job from their Grunkle?" My uncle asked joining in on the teasing.

"Yeah I guess it is" I admitted, "so who's the special someone?" My uncle asked, "is it that Akamatsu? My God she had a rack-" My uncle started.

"No!" I quickly said flustered, "uncle you can't talk about my friends like that!" I reminded, "why not? I'm not lying!" My uncle asked.

"I'll...I'll tell you later" I told him, "mostly because knowing you if I told you everyone in the county would know inna split second" I scolded disappointed.

"Well good luck Shuichi, hope you find them"

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