Chapter Twenty Three: Two Friends. Nothing More.

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I sat on my bed as I looked out of the window ignoring the flower petals accumulating in the corner when I heard the door opened. I turned around in shock to see Saihara, "Hey Shumai what are you doing here?" I asked. He looked panicked and worried.

"Ouma they are coming," he said and my eyes widened, "already?" I asked in shock, shit I thought I had time before they decided to pin us down! I looked over at Saihara who seemed to be in equal distress as I got out of bed and put on my jacket as fast as I could and put my suitcase already packed for emergencies on the bed.

"Can you tell them, DICE and I need to go NOW!" I screamed as I looked around the room and flinging whatever held upmost importance into the suitcase as Saihara grabbed my hand "they're going to be here in hours Ouma" he said.

"Then we need to go NOW" I repeated as I shut the suitcase, "thank you Saihara" I thanked heading towards the door as my weak legs that could barely move buckled underneath me as I struggled to keep walking Saihara crushed me in a hug.

"Please just wait for a second," he said, I looked up to him feeling my heart going a thousand miles per hour, "first you need to clear out whatever base your using I think you know what, I'll stall them for a day" Saihara promised.

"A day?" I asked, "tomorrow afternoon is your organization's deadline to come up with a plan and get out of here," Saihara told me. I felt my hands shaking, "that's more than enough time now let me go-" I tried to escape his grap.

"Ouma please just...can we talk for a second" Saihara asked.

I looked up at him, "You look like death..." he commented. I pouted, "aww Saihara, that's so mean!" I said using crocodile tears trying to get him to smile. He looked at me as if he wanted to say more than he was letting on.

"Can....can you stay with me?' He asked as my eyes widened, "what are you talking about?" I asked. Saihara looked flustered, "since your organization has to leave you all probably shouldn't be in the same place...easier to track" he brought up.

That made sense, "yeah...I why should I stay behind with you? Won't it make it easier for them to track me?" I asked. Saihara blushed, " mean a lot to me ok?" he said.

"I don't want you to get hurt and you don't look like you can survive the trip" he argued. I bit my cheek as I looked up at the navy haired boy. The one who I desperately wanted to hug and to never let go of if it meant that we could have a happy ending, even if he doesn't love me.


I cupped my mouth as the flower petals escaped from my mouth and Saihara patted me on the back trying to calm down the waves of flower petals escaping. 

I looked back up embarrassed, I can't believe I can stand myself looking so weak in front of him.

"I can't," I said. I didn't want to say it but I think he knew the answer as well, "I can't leave DICE behind to stay with you....what is that weird saying? A captain goes down with his ship?" I reminded him.

"I don't want you to go..." Saihara mumbled. I looked at him seeing him sad was a breaking me a little. I finally hugged back tightly, "thanks for being my friend Saihara Chan," I told him giving the widest and most cheerful smile I could muster. He didn't say anything, just hugged back the same.

"Thank you for being my friend Ouma..." Saihara responded, "I hope we get to meet again," he said his voice choking. I didn't respond. I wish....I wish I could tell you honestly that I will see you again. 

Why can't we stay like this forever?

We could've had a different ending.

What did I do wrong? Why couldn't I prevent this?

I wish I could tell you.

Why am I still not telling you?








I love you.

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