Chapter Eight: The Unrequited

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He loves me....he wants to arrest me...he loves me...he wants to arrest me...

I plucked the flower petals one by one as I glanced down angrily at the last two remaining petals. I gritted my teeth, "this is amazing!" I lied giggling.

He wants to arrest me I guess...

"Hey Kichi" Chiasa called walking into the room, she had mid length red hair and green eyes that promised trouble. "You look more depressed than usual what's up?" She asked, " since when did the greatest supreme leader look depressed?" I asked.

"That time we watched Anohana" she answered. I bit my tongue, why can't they just stay together? I silently cursed, "anyways that was a joke, so what's wrong?" She asked.

"Nooothing" I spanned out, "did you see a cute couple on the street again and realize you're still single?" Chiasa asked picking at a nail, no" I responded peering to see if my computer was closed.

"Did you not get your daily five bottles of panta?" She pressed further, "I had seven" I lied, oh gosh I haven't had one...,CURSE YOU FLOWERS!

"Is it that cute detective that everyone has been getting a crush on?" Chiasa teased and I forced myself not to blush as an itch started in my throat.

"Nope~" I sang out, "that detective is an idiot~" I stated and started to leave the room, suppressing the urge to cough "hey where are you going?" She asked depressed.

"The library! My beloved Saihara chan invited me!" I answered and left the apartment building as fast as I could.

Chiasa was the first member of DICE and one of the smartest. Sadly that means they usually catch onto things faster than usual.


I walked into the library. I didn't see Saihara so instead I just walked in. I could still remember back in high school with me and Saihara reading all those mystery books.

I used to challenge him by saying I would find the culprit before him, I never really did. Saihara was the detective after all, but I would always know when a character lied.

Me and DICE used to hang out in the library to...we would sometimes even hide in the library during winter so we could spend the night.

This was also where I met Saihara. My first friend who wasn't apart of DICE, and he didn't remember me. I don't expect him to, it was only for a year of our childhood before he moved away only to come back years later when we were teens.

"Hey Ouma" Someone called and I turned around to see Saihara, "hi Saihara chan!" I greeted. Saihara sighed "I'm never going to shake off that nickname am I?" He asked.

"Nope~" I admitted grinning, my chest already hurts..."Saihara chan I heard you went after that big bad phantom thief last night!" I brought up.

"Oh yeah...he got away again" Saihara said as we started heading into the mystery section. I smiled, "that's good! That means my beloved won't go away!" I cheered.

Saihara raised an eyebrow "you're rooting for a thief?" He asked, I nodded playing it on "yup! Cause otherwise Saihara chan will go back to boring Hokkaido!" I complained.

Saihara laughed a little, "but don't you have everyone else here to hang out with?" Saihara asked, I yawned, "no they're boring, you're the only one who makes things exciting for me Saihara Chan!" I emphasized.

"Speaking of that..." Saihara began, "Ouma...did you have friends in high school?" Saihara asked. I paused, "yup! The whole world bends down to my will!" I lied.

"Besides I don't need those idiots" I assured him grabbing a random book off a shelf. Saihara stared at me for a while before sighing.

"What have you been doing this year anyway Ouma?" Saihara asked. Another question I can't answer, "that's top secret Saihara chan, what've you been doing?" I asked.

"You already know, it's on the news" Saihara reminded, "yeah but I need to know if my beloved Saihara chan has a mistress-" I started when Saihara blushed like a tomato.

I grinned, "has Saihara chan found a new girlfriend? Is it Bakamatsu?" I interrogated as the urge to cough and just run away intensified.

"N-no!" Saihara stuttered, "I'm not dating anyone Ouma..." Saihara continued. I pouted "aw poor Shumai, I knew everyone was an idiot" I said while containing my excitement.

What?! Why are we excited?! He would never like me! You can't even think of something like that, he's way out of your league!

"No I just...I dont think I want a relationship" Saihara explained, "I don't think I'll ever want one..." Saihara admitted.

Wheres my heart again? Oh crushed? That's a shame.


I felt myself sweating as I coughed into my sleeve, and tried to catch the flower petals as fast as I could. Saihara was distracted and staring off into the distance.

"So you really like no one?" I asked, Saihara nodded. It was a lie... my beloved does like someone...probably a nice and pretty girl or a good person like Momota.

I grinned, "you lied Saihara chan" I teased as I left the book I was reading behind, "good luck Shumai!" I called as I ran away.

Once I was a block away I stopped running and hid in an alley throwing up countless petals.

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