Epilogue: Idiots

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"Good morning Japan! Man what beautiful weather we are having today! Clouds! Just clouds...

"But getting onto more important news today marks the year anniversary of the infamous phantom thief group DICE's leader being killed!

"These culprits were expertly found with the combined efforts of Kyoko Kirigiri, who also this year has a new partner in Makoto Kirigiri, formerly Naegi. Along Shuichi Saihara! His relationship status is unknown!

"Speaking of the infamous group, both Kirigiri and Saihara have left the case for smaller detective branches to find the remaining members.

"However the capture of these members is unlikely, says Saihara when we approached him about this. Mainly due to the theory the group disbanded after their leaders capture, we can only theorize about their identities as their subordinates still refuses to talk.

"As for what the future holds what can we say? However, it's safe to say that the group of thieves captured the hearts of many and most remain happy by their lack of an arrest.

"Now on to sports news-"


"Table for six please?" I asked it was awkward being alone when requesting the table as I got led to my seat. Come on guys I don't wanna be alone...

After what seemed like hours I could hear some people busting in and being directed to the table. I couldn't believe my eyes, it may have been just a year but I still missed them like crazy.

"Takura! Genkei!" I called and the two ran over, "Mirai! I missed you! Seriously you little gremlin what have you been doing all year?" Takura asked.

"Yeah Mirai, we haven't been able to contact you for a while now until you organized the meet up" Genkei complained flicking my forehead. He had to crouch down low to do that.

"I've been working to get back to school actually, it's been going ok" I explained, "what? Mirai why would you want to go back to school?!" Takura shouted.

"Babe we're in a restaurant" Genkei reminded, "oh yeah..." Takura mumbled, "babe?! Are you two dating?!" I asked shocked, Takura nodded excitedly.

"It happened about a month after DICE split up, Genkei and me got an apartment in Osaka and then we started dating" Takura explained.

Genkei nodded sipping some tea the server has brought, "it's honestly been difficult, I had to find work along with Takura...I might go back to school like you once we have enough money" Genkei mentioned.

"Rents not that bad" Takura scolded, "it's costing us an arm and a leg" Genkei groaned and I could only laugh when the bell at the front door chimed again and I saw the familiar light purple hair and the emotionless face of the man walking with the girl.

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