Chapter Twenty-Six: Finale

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I sat at the back of the group nervous and terrified as we entered a small warehouse where Ouma told me is where most of DICE's money they stole and the van was. Please be safe...I silently begged as we stepped in I saw a few figures waiting for us. One front and center with a wide smile.

They were in a mask and had high white boots in a suit that resembled a checkerboard the bandana they wore around their neck with a white hat and mask on their face and purple hair that reached midway down their neck and gloves to top off the look. It was the face of the phantom thief.

The other two were in the background and stood still, they didn't seem to be putting on the same act as the one in the center.

My eyes widened at the sight as the thief smiled facing the crowd with a single gun in their hand, "aww the game finally ended huh ms detective?" and my pulse raced a thousand times more. This wasn't Ouma, the voice was the same voice that was of the subordinate he had that entered my room that night.

The now I knew girl smiled wider, "aww what a tough crowd we have tonight huh?" she asked as she stepped forward to us as she dropped the gun and raised her hands grinning all the while, "you happy?" they asked, as they reached towards their mask and ripping it off to reveal a freckled face confirming even more that it wasn't Ouma.

It was indeed the face of the one who attacked me that night.

One officer didn't respond as they walked up, pulled out their gun, and looked at the thief.


The bullet was fired directly into the chest of the member who looked at them in shock as they fell to the ground their white suit turning into a pink color surrounding the wound as one of the members with light pink hair stared in shock and screamed.

"CHI!" he screamed and pulled out his gun facing the crowd angrily as he ran up the body of the wounded girl on the ground who seemed to be in agony as she curled up in a ball.


The second member fell right next to the girl. His back was filling with the color as he limply wrapped his arms around the leader who was no longer moving as much cradling them against their chest. 

The chief pushed that officer to the ground, "I said hold fire!" he scolded as the remaining member fell down to their knees in pure shock and pulled off their mask and raised their hands in surrender.

I could feel myself nearly gagging when I felt a tiny poke in the back and turned to see a girl with pigtails pointing me into a room on the side, her eyes filled with worry as she mouthed out a name. I understood immediatly as I hesitated.

Two of Ouma's friends have been killed...the other two will be arrested....I looked at the girl who had already started running towards her other friend her hands up in surrender. I didn't see the rest as I ran into the room and shutting the door tightly behind me, on the floor was Ouma who laid limp on the floor unmoving.

"OUMA!" I cried out not even caring about the officers nearby as I held the boy in my arms he didn't even look at me like he couldn't even tell I was there as....a rose was on the floor.


"OUMA! PLEASE DON'T DIE! PLEASE! I LOVE YOU!" I screamed hugging the boy as waterfalls of tears escaped....I was too late...he's dead.....he's dead...


My eyes widened as I heard a staggering breath of air as Ouma started throwing up flowers as he weakly opened his eyes, "" he asked and that's when I finally realized it. I was the reason why he had Hanahaki.

"I love you" I repeated tears in my eyes as Ouma looked at me with a tiny smile on their face as they once again closed their eyes...."don't you dare close your eyes!" I shouted as I picked them up bridal style and out the warehouse door not caring in the world who stared, "HELP!" I screamed.

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