Chapter Thirteen: The Friend, The Liar, And A Thief

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"Ok thanks for visiting yesterday, probably not easy with your schedule" I said over the phone trying to once again organize my files that seemed to practically fly out of the drawers and folders at this point.

"I have to get going, goodbye" I called and sighed. Welcome to spring cleaning...I started to organize the files more properly and collect what must've been a dozen coffee mugs when my phone rang.

"Hello...?" I asked juggling all the things I had carried, "hey Saihara chan!" Ouma's voice came over the phone energetic as always.

"Ouma?" I asked, kind of shocked since we haven't really talked in a while. This is probably the most we have ever really hung out or been in contact huh?

"What's going on. Why did you call?" I asked presuming my juggling act getting some weird stares from coworkers as they walked past my door. This is great.

"Rude!" Ouma yelled over the phone, "I can call my beloved whenever I want, I don't need a reason" Ouma said and I had to hold back some laughter.

"But yeah, my organization is being stupid so I want to hang out with Saihara chan!" Ouma said gleefully. I checked my schedule. I didn't have much planned for today other than cleaning the office and checking some theory work for the phantom thief's subordinates.

"I can make some time, you're friends are acting crazy?" I asked confused as I scooped up as much work as possible packing my bags.

"Yup! Almost as crazy as Harukawa" Ouma remarked and I rolled my eyes, "alright where do you want to meet up?" I asked finally starting to leave the office.

"Can I go to your house?" Ouma asked, "ok, sure I'll see you later" I said ending the call. I'm going to need to pick him up Panta, don't I? Ugh, I guess this is what happens when your friend has an unhealthy addiction to soda.


The second I heard a knock on the door I opened it to see Ouma, only for some reason despite it was still early autumn he was bundled up in winter clothing.

"Hey Saihara Chan!" He greeted, "hi Ouma, you can leave your jacket over there" I pointed and he nodded stepping inside as I searched for the panta I bought him.

The second Ouma saw it his eyes lighted up as he snatched it out of my hands, "you're a saint Saihara!" Ouma said. I rolled my eyes, he always was over dramatic when it came to his panta.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed the few snack items I had as Ouma leaned over some of my work, "what's this?" Ouma asked excited.

I scanned over, "oh yeah, we've been tracking clues down for the other members of that organization" I explained, "we've identified at least three of them" I told him.

"You have..." Ouma mumbled as I nodded, "it's only a matter of time till we have hard evidence on them" I explained as Ouma continued going through the papers.

"You're really going to catch them all huh?" Ouma asked. I shrugged, "they mainly just want the leader, the rest the police aren't that interested in" I admitted.

"I'm trying to find a member so I can pin down the leader" I told him. Ouma shrugged at that still keeping a perpetual stare at the files on the table.

Purple hair...a love for all things mischief...constantly says beloved and calls his friends his No....

I don't want to believe it. I'll avoid it forever if I can.

I gritted my teeth moving away the papers, "I'm putting it off" I told him. Ouma looked confused by my sudden change of topic but nodded, "so what're we going to do Saihara chan?" He asked excited.

"I thought you had ideas...?" I asked and Ouma sighed, "guess I wear the pants in our relationship" Ouma said opening his bag revealing some movies.

I nodded when I started taking more of a notice on Ouma's appearence...over the past few weeks hes gotten more pale, that shouldn't have been possible. He looked more delicate, more sickly and frail.

"Are you ok?" I asked, "I feel like I'm going to pass out! Or was that a lie?" Ouma teased and I sighed. Can't he just trust me a little more? I decided to let it slide a bit for now.

Ouma isnt the type to let himself break down, not without an extreme reason at least which I doubt him hiding a cold has one. It's probably just the flu-

Suddenly right as I was about to pop in one of the CD's Ouma collapsed onto the floor.

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