Chapter Seven: The Second Encounter

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"Mr. Saihara are you sure that we're at the right place?" One of the police asked. I sighed, I wish I could say no...

We were in front of an ice cream store. Now by this point it let me know how this thief thought, he would leave clues for two different places and he would always appear in the one that seemed more ridiculous while his gang went to the more serious and do I say this? The right place for a thief to be.

So it was more of what would they rather have, us catching the thief or saving the poor diamonds getting stolen tonight. It wasn't the diamonds. I guess we'll eventually find them. Eventually.

Since I doubt the cops over where the diamonds are will actually catch any of the thieves. They just seemed to be well experienced along with what I could only call gymnastic experience. I paced around the small store when I heard the sound of a lock dropping in the back.

He's here...

I made sure my handcuffs was ready as I headed over into the backroom. There under a hint of moonlight the thief stood. Just like last time, as they turned around to see me.

They smiled, "hey pretty boy" he flirted. Oh boy here we go again..."don't bother trying to escape, you're surrounded" I lied. The thief bursted out in laughter at this.

"That was the worst lie I ever heard" the thief said as he walked up towards me, "stay right where you are and put your hands up!"  I yelled.

The thief grinned and raised their hands as they kicked me square in the stomach, "ok mr detective" he cheered as the thief stole my handcuffs and tackled me to the ground.

I felt my eyes widen in surprise as I struggled to pin him down as the thief only taunted me with a smile, and laughing.


The smile on the thief's face dimmed as they glanced down. We were handcuffed together as he pouted, "aw my beloved detective does love me!" They teased.

I ignored them and grabbed the radio "I got them, come over" I called. The thief grinned "don't get cocky mr" they warned. I raised an eyebrow "you're handcuffed to me" I reminded.

"Are you sure about that? Maybe I handcuffed you to me" the thief suggested grinning, "I don't understand why you would do that" I said.

"Well how else am I going to interrogate my beloved detective?" The thief asked, "I-interrogate me?!" I stuttered. The thief laughed at the stutter.

"Yup~ So what's your name cutie?" They asked. I sighed "Shuichi Saihara" I answered, "ooh your name is Saihara huh?" They asked stepping closer, I could feel myself sweating from how close they were as I tried to tune in on any sirens in the distance.

"Your not that smart are you Saihara?" They asked and I raised an eyebrow when the thief showed off their now free wrist and grinned dashing out of the room and I chased after them.

"Aww you really do care!" The thief yelled from ahead, "stop right where you are and surrender!" I screamed, "or what? You'll shoot me? I know you won't Shumai!" The thief argued.

"Why're you even doing this?" I asked, I could feel myself running out of breath and the thief was to as we continued to run through street corners and alleys like a game of cat and mouse.

"That's your job!" The thief screamed back, "figure it out mr detective, or this is going to get really boring" the thief told me as a van sped down the road and the thief jumped onto the end of the van where some of his cronies were holding out hands for him.

"Bye bye cutie!" They flirted and they sped off into the black of night...

For some reason my cheeks felt warm. Why do I feel warm? Wait a I blushing?! Theres no way, I cannot fall for a phantom thief!

One thing its completely against my job and second I don't even know his name! All he does is taunt me and laughs at watching me squirm.


I took a deep breath and looked at the empty streets, the sirens only now approaching and glanced at the moon. It was a harvest moon and loomed over me making the whole area seem more golden.

"I will find you phantom thief...and I will turn you in...if it's the last thing I do" I promised.

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