Chapter Twenty Four: The Rose

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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
And I'm dying because of you.

I looked over at the small backpack and relooked over the checklist I had redone countless times. Everything had to be perfect, now that I know that the famous detective Kirigiri had set her eyes on us...I can't mess this up.

Since the past few days I've been confined to a bed we lost valuable time, but now DICE seems convinced that I'm fine. At least I'm not coughing up flowers and holding back sobs over the fact I'm leaving Saihara behind and I'll probably never see him again.

My chest still hurt. I can't tell if this is heartache or just the hanahaki anymore. Maybe both. I always knew that I would never have a chance with Saihara. That it could never happen. But...I never imagined this was how it was going to end.

It means a lot though what friendship we do have. That he would at least protect what I hold DICE, and wants to save me from my hanahaki. He even offered to set me up on a date with this person. It is painful just having to pretend I'll take him up on that offer. It's ironic he's the one that is killing me slowly.

I felt the cold rain that had been leaking from the ceiling weighing heavily on my jacket, as I started climbing up the familiar stairs of the warehouse and stares at the siblings who I spent my whole life growing up with. All the fun we had...

I never imagined that when we were eventually caught we would have been older and just disappear from the public eye. Now we're being hunted down, and who knows what's going to happen when they find us.

I took a deep breath and stood before them all feigning confidence like I do best. Looking down at this weird family that for some reason stuck ny my side all of these years. These idiots.

"Ok everyone, in a few hours Kirigiri is going to find us!" I called out. We were all wearing our street clothes so hopefully that would make it a bit more difficult. We only had one backpack each so it wouldn't look like we were running for it.

"Remember, we split up in separate groups that weren't seen in photos and we leave at seperate times in different directions! We all meet up in three days in Kyoto, take separate ways!" I shouted out.

"Kazue already set up am just...get there" I mumbled, feeling light headed. The group seemed to take notice, "Kokichi are you ok? We can let you rest before we get a move on" Takashiro offered. I shook my head.

"It's nothing" I insisted, as the urge to cough grew. No, we can't have even the slightest set back...I don't even have a plan B. "But Kokichi you look like death punched you in the face" Takura pointed out.

"That's how I always look, now three of you start going to the train station" I ordered as Tsuki, Eiji, and Nao grabbed their bags. Tsuki glanced over at me concerned, "be safe ok guys!" She called.

"Goodbye" Eiji put simply, "wait where's my snack bag?" Nao asked, "I ate it, bye Nao!" Mirai called and Nao pouted, "b*tch" he muttered.

"See you later you traitors!" Nao called running after the other two. I took a deep breath, thirty more minutes till Kirigiri could arrive....ten minutes till we send the next group....


I glanced down at my hand to see some blood and wiped my mouth quickly hoping no one heard me, wishing means nothing. Takura rushed over concerned "Kokichi are you ok?" He asked and I nodded.

"Never better" I answered and looked over at the bags, one was missing "who forgot to pack?" I called, "and make sure to double check we didn't leave anything that could identify us, that includes yearbooks!" I reminded. My throat was burning and kept begging me to stop screaming as I stood slouched over.

Takashiro and Chiasa ran off to check as Kazue walked over and placed a hand on my forehead despite my attempts to shake him off, "you're burning up Kokichi" he said,

"You should rest" he insisted, "I'm fine" I assured, I wish my voice was stronger. Genkei grunted, "don't worry ok? You can rest and we'll get you to the station" he promised.

I shook my head, "I'm leaving last" I told them, "you guys go, Mirai! You go with them, you too Takura!" I called. Mirai raised an eyebrow "but the other group just left" she brought up.

"Walk around the city for a while before heading, I don't care go" I ordered. Mirai walked to me and flicked my forehead "see yeah shortie" she teased.

"See you captain middle finger" I called back and she gave her signature f*ck off and left. Kazue glanced at me, "you sure you can't come with us right now?" He asked. I nodded.

"Honestly you're so stupid" he said ruffling my hair, "that's rich coming from you" I fired back. Kazue sighed, "ok bye Felicia" he joked and I laughed a little.

Takura was in tears, "what if they get you?" He asked. I laughed, "they'll get me when I'm dead" I promised. Takura just seemed to get more upset by that, "that was the wrong choice of words" Genkei scolded.

"I'm not dying" I told them despite the room starting to shake as I tried to stand taller, they didn't look convinced. Takura gave me his signature bear hug and left teary eyed.

Genkei just gave a see you later hand motion and held onto his boyfriend's hand as they walked off. everything getting dark....?


The room was spinning as I coughed up more bloody petals, I tried to hold it back but it just kept coming as I felt my knees shaking. D*mn it, come can't be weak around them...not now!

"Kokichi?" A voice rang out but I couldn't tell whos... the room seemed to be spinning around and around as I lost my hurts....I can't breathe...

I felt myself laying pathetically on the floor and when it finally stopped....a rose laid in my hand covered with almost looked pretty....

It reminded me of the rose I got for Saihara, the one gift I ever gave him. The one he thing ever know was from me. Its ironic...uts so ironic....

So all the colors and the bright lights shining now...and the muffled voices...and the soft thud of something hitting the ground....

"Kokichi!" Takashiro hurts....I tried to speak but nothing came out as a familiar darkness was calling me. Can I sleep a little while....please...? I promise to wake up...I'm just... tired....

"Kokichi! Are you ok?" Riko asked panicked as I felt myself being forced to sit up as I coughed up more petals. More of those f*cking flowers. "It...hurts..." I mumbled firefly.


"Kazue?! You were supposed to leave!" Riko shouted and the argument started turning into mumbles as a pounding headache set in. The figures everywhere were turning fuzzy.

I felt myself sinking further into the darkness as I gazed lazily. Is someone carrying feels warm...."hey! Stay awake! Someone get the bucket!" They yelled.

"Wait..." I choked out, "just...go....I'll...stay..." I mumbled, "yeah right! Come on just rest up, we got this ok?" Chiasa said with a thumbs up.

"What...?" I asked when I felt a hand covering my eyes, "shoo...just sleep well ok? It's all going to be fine" Chiasa whispered. She might have said something else but I didn't hear as I finally gave in to the darkness.

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