Chapter One: The Case

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                                   ♤~♡~One Year Later~◇~♧

Finally an easy one is having any sort of crisis or is missing...finally...maybe for once I can get past the first page of my new book-

"Shuichi are you in here?" My uncle called from the other side of the door. Darn it...."yes I'm in here Uncle" I answered and the door opened and my uncle came in carrying a file.

Darn it.

"What's that?" I asked and my uncle sighed, "remember Tokyo Shuichi?" He asked and I nodded "well since you left so maybe seven or eight months give or take a new group or thief have emerged" my uncle started.

"What's so special that it's brought here?" I asked. Usually we only receive missing person cases or serious crimes due to the reputation my uncle worked hard to make. Cases of burglary usually were left for other businesses.

"Well Shuichi the leader, and the gang have managed to evade all the detectives and police who have challenged them yet with it was brought to my attention I should probably give this case to you" he answered.

"If it was for my hip back in 89' I swear I miss the days when I was young and fit-" he started cursing under his breath. My Uncle is...special.

"So this is for me?" I asked, "do you see anyone else in this office?" They responded. I shook my head as my Uncle hit my head with the file "then obviously it's for you, I swear the youth these days and their fancy snip snap is making them rusty..." he remarked.

I ignored him and looked over the file, it seemed interesting. A group of thieves dressed as clowns. Most of the pictures were blurry so I couldn't make out much of them.

"Welp, best you start packing" my uncle advised and I raised an eyebrow "packing?" I asked, "Tokyo is hours away Shuichi! We live in Hokkaido for crying out loud!" He scolded.

"So you're going to need to tell your girlfriend-" he started when I interrupted "Uncle I don't have a girlfriend..." I gently reminded. He snorted "oh yes you were...what do they call it? Bisexual, yes well tell your boyfriend" he restarted "uncle I don't have a boyfriend either, I'm not dating anyone..." I told him.

"What? How? Are these people blind to that gift your mother gave you? That giant ass-" Uncle shouted "I'M NOT INTERESTED IN DATING AT THE MOMENT!" I interrupted.

"What?! Who's supposed to give me grandkids then?!" My uncle asked, "'re my uncle, any children I have won't be your grandkids.." I informed.

"Yeah well your good for nothing parents dropped you off here so I might as well be your kids grandfather, so get to it sonny and fine a woman, or man I guess, of your dreams!" He ordered.

"Uncle I'm really not-" I tried to tell him but it was useless at this point "what about that nice intern we have? What's her name? Miyuki?" My uncle suggested.

"Married" I reminded, "what a shame that is...she's even making me coffee right now...what about your old school friends? Like that pretty girl with those weird braids?" He suggested.

"Uncle, one Chabashira is a lesbian, two she's dating someone, three I'm not interested in anyone at the moment" I told him. My uncle grunted something about the youth these days as I sighed.

"Well Shuichi, since you're still single...what a tragedy that is, go call your friends back there and ask for somewhere to stay till you find that phantom thief!" My uncle ordered.

"You've got friends right?" My uncle asked concerned, making me a little irritated "uh yes I have friends, I haven't been in contact with them since graduation though..." I mumbled the last part.

"WHAT?! Shuichi, I thought I raised you better than this! You're an extrovert for crying out loud!" They screamed, "Uncle I'm an introvert, stop getting me confused with my Dad" I interrupted.

"Oh right, it anyway! I didn't make you my heir for you to stay single your entire life!" He barked "but you're single-" I reminded.

"Get out!" My uncle shouted as he began shoving me out of my office, "go to your apartment, pack up, and come back with a relationship so you don't die alone!" They cried and shoved me out of my office tossing the file at my face.

"Good luck Shuichi, I'll visit you in a month" they wished sweetly before slamming the door to our buisness...what the heck just happened?

I glanced back down at the file, well...looks like I got no choice if I want to move back in my apartment...

And so the epic mystery began with a grown man being kicked out of his own home by his sixty year old uncle.

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