Chapter Two: The Crush

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"Boss! It's an emergency!" Takura screamed from behind my bedroom door. I put down my book and quickly opened it to see Takura panicking, "what's the emergency?" I asked.

"TAKASHIRO FORGOT TO GO GROCERY SHOPPING!" Takura yelled. I blinked a bit, "wait what?" I asked. Takura sighed, "which means we ran out of snacks and panta" he explained.

"Where is he?" I asked leaving and searching around for the culprit, "I think he's selling the diamond we stole last week with Kazue and Mirai" Takura told me.

"Ugh they're probably not getting back till tomorrow, is Genkei here?" I asked, Takura shook his head, "he's out...he said something about it being five somewhere?" Takura said confused.

"Go find him before, he's probably wasted that idiot" I muttered and Takura nodded grabbing a jacket and heading towards the door, what are you doing?" he asked when I did the same.

"What no supreme leader should ever have to do..." I dragged out, "grocery shopping" I finally choked and grabbed the list as Takura laughed and we went our separate ways.


Hm...I wonder if these coupons have expired-I felt someone bump into me and I groaned, "watch where you're going- Saihara?" I realized. I could already feel myself resisting the urge to blush, oh no he's still hot!

"Oh hey Ouma" Saihara greeted, "I thought you moved far away Saihara! Did you finally miss me?" I teased. Saihara laughed dryly, so he didn't...well it is me.

"I got assigned to a case here so I came to solve it" Saihara told me, "woah what are you doing? Are you tracking down an insane axe murderer?" I interrogated.

Saihara shook his head, "no nothing like that, apparently there's a phantom thief that's gained some fame around here?" Saihara explained "have you heard about them?" He asked.

Well....this is perfect...I put my hands behind my back and squinted pretending to try and remember, I remember my friends stealing my snacks" I lied. Saihara sighed, "well thanks anyway, it's been a while anyway so how are you?" Saihara asked.

"I'm suicidally depressed!" I sang out cheerfully, "so you're fine?" Saihara asked not really paying attention as they examined the aisle we were in. Even now..without anyone distracting us he still doesn't really care huh?

"Aww you caught on already?" I asked, "you can't lie to me easily Ouma" Saihara reminded, I held back laughter at that comment. I'll let him believe for now.

"So you didn't come back for the rest do us though? Wow Saihara chan you're so mean!" I teased, Saihara turned over to me "you really haven't changed a bit huh?" Saihara asked.

I raised an eyebrow "what do you mean?" I asked, "sorry...just you always teased me back in high school too..." Saihara reminded me. I nodded, I liked those memories.

"Hey Ouma as great as it is to see you, I'm actually in a rush so...bye" Saihara said quickly and left the aisle without the box he was examining. He also lied.

I smiled anyway, and skipped though the aisles and grabbing all of the food we needed including a few healthy items to trick Kazue whenever he came over that we're eating healthy. I caught glimpses of Saihara multiple times, he was on the phone probably with someone back from high school with how calm he seemed.

I quickly left and headed home when I noticed a small droplet had fallen from somewhere, I looked around for the source when I realized and rubbed my eyes.

Why am I sad? Come on, he never gave me the time of day back then anyways. This isn't even anything new, come on man up or something! For goodness sake you're supposed to be thinking of a way to protect DICE.

I ran through the streets trying to get as far from the grocery store as soon as possible, as far away from Saihara as possible as I walked into the apartment. I was the first back home, so that was good.

I placed the groceries on a counter and headed inside the bathroom and washed my face. My eyes were still a bit red for some reason.

Why did I even cry? Come on, I don't even like the buy anymore. It's been a year for goodness sake...there's no way...I shouldn't...I can't- I'm not even supposed to anymore! He's going to ruin run for me and DICE if I don't do anything!

So...why....? Stupid were never supposed to like Shuichi Saihara...not then...and defiantly not now...

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