Chapter Twenty-Two: He Asked Me Out..Again

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Maya's P.o.v

I was walking to third period when someone stopped me. It was Gus.

"Oh, hey Gus." "Hey. How'd yesterday go?" "It sucked but, I managed." "Yeah. Everyone wanted you to come back the other day but I kept having to tell them why you had to leave early." "I know. I'm sorry I had to leave from your house like that." "Well, it's okay. You'll come back over some time I'm sure." "You bet." "Okay, I'll see you at lunch?" "Definitely." "Cool."

He walked away and I smiled to myself. The other day once everyone had came over Gus's house, I had to leave early because of some dinner my mom and dad ended up hosting. After that they ended up keeping me around the rest of the weekend. It was dreadful but at least I was through it. As I continued walking to third period someone else decided to stop me by calling my name.

I looked and seen that it was Kellin.

"Oh, hey Kellin." "Hey. I was wondering if you'd go on that date with me tonight?" "Fine. But, I don't want to go anywhere fancy. If you pick somewhere fancy I'm not coming." "Why?" "Because I don't want to do fancy. We'll go to Buffalo Wild Wings and that's it, then you'll take me home. Kay?" "Okay, but-." "Great. I'll see you at 6 and nothing later."

I left him standing there then laughed to myself as I remembered his facial expression. I finally got to third period which was art and I went to sit in my seat. Me and Whitney had this class together but she always came in a tad later than everyone else. After awhile she had finally came in. I smiled and she sat next to me.

"Hey you." "Hey girl. How'd that dinner thing go with your mom and dad?" "It went alright. I kept having to talk to stuck up rich people. It totally sucked." "Well maybe we could do something after school today to take your mind off your shitty but perfect rich person life."

I slapped her arm playfully and she started giggling.

I then said,"I actually can't today. I've got a date with Kellin at Buffalo Wild Wings and please don't ask me why I said yes to it. But, tomorrow I'm in if you are. I think we should go shopping then go to my house and have a photo shoot in the clothes we bought." "Okay. That sounds fun." "Alright. I'm gonna steal my moms camera." "Are you sure you wanna steal your moms?" "She won't mind. She hasn't used that thing in years. She used to like taking pictures but..ya know." "Yeah. But, hey. Turn that frown upside down."

I put on a fake smile and she giggled which made me laugh a little. After awhile the bell had rung and class started.


It was finally lunch time and I was on my way outside. I didn't like the cafeteria. It was hot and loud in there. The food also didn't smell good at all. I had made it outside and sat on the bleachers where the field was. Before I knew it my phone started ringing. I seen it was Gus so I answered.

Hey Gus.

Hey. Where are you?

I'm on the bleachers.

Okay. I'm on my way.

I smiled to myself as he hung up and I waited on him to show up. After awhile he did. He came and sat down next to me.

"Hey." "Hey. Are you sure you don't wanna eat lunch?" "I'll be fine if I skip out on school lunch. I'll just eat when I get home." "Okay. Maybe tomorrow after school me, you, and everyone else could go to culvers together." "Kay. I'll make sure to bring money."

I looked at him and he looked back at me.

"I told you, you can't pay for everything."

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back. I giggled a little bit then looked towards the ground.

"So.." "So?" "So, Kellin asked me out on a date." "Of course he did." "Cmon Gus. At least act happy." "Oh. Okay."

He turned his face then looked back towards me with the fakest smile I'd ever seen.

"I'm so happy you got asked out by Kellin. Like, oh my God. That is totally totes amazing."

I tried staying serious. I tried my goddamn hardest. But I ended up laughing. Once it finally died down I looked towards him.

"I didn't say fake it like that." "I think that's exactly what you were looking for." "Well, what's going on with you after school today?" "I was just gonna go home and study." "No. What you mean is that you're gonna smoke weed with your friends and watch movies or something."

Gustav's P.o.v

I pretended to be mad at what she said and I started to look serious. It was time for this girl to be pranked.

"Why would you say that?"

Her smile started fading and I wanted to laugh.

"Oh..I didn't mean-..I didn't mean it any type of way. I was just, you know? I just meant-." "You meant that all I ever do is smoke and like I wouldn't go home and actually study anything." "Gus, I swear I didn't mean it like that. I was joking. I didn't say it to make you feel bad at all." "Well too bad. Because feelings are hurt."

I got up and started walking away. She followed after me and called my name. I finally stopped walking and she stood in front of me.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay. I take back what I said." "No. You can't just take it back." "Are you being serious or kidding because if you're serious right now I'm really sorry I said what I said." "Make it up to me then." "How?" "Don't go on the date with Kellin tonight."

She looked at me and I waited on her reaction. She pulled out her phone while shaking her head. I looked at her confused.

"What are you doing?" "I'm canceling the date." "What? No. Give me that."

I took her phone from her.

"I was kidding Maya. Why would you really do that?" "Because I thought you were really mad at me and you said you wanted me to cancel me and Kellin's date to make it up to you." "So?" "So. I was gonna cancel it if that meant you weren't mad at me anymore."

I stood there kind of shocked that she'd do that.

She then said,"Cmon. We've gotta start going back inside. Lunch is about to be over."

I gave her, her phone back and she punched me in the arm.

"Ow." "That's for acting mad at me. And don't ever do it again."

She started walking back towards the school while I followed behind her rubbing my hurt arm.

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