Chapter Twenty-Seven: Making Up

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Maya's Pov

Kellin had just dropped me back off at home after we chilled in his car for a minute and just talked in some area he knew about. It was actually nice and I felt a little better. I then remembered though that Gus was coming over again so we could talk.

I texted him that I was ready for him and he texted back saying he was on his way. I sat in my bed and turned a lofi mix on in my headphones. I then grabbed a notebook and pencil then started doodling something random.

After some time had passed of me doodling there was a figure at my patio door. I then seen it was Gus. I took my headphones out and opened the door for him. I then went to sit back on my bed. Gus came in the room and sat down on the bed, too.

I said,"So, what'd you wanna talk about?" "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I made you feel some type of way. I'm really sorry. And Alissa is literally just a person to me who I get high with when I don't really have any weed. I also didn't text or call today, not because I wanted to ignore you or anything like that but..but because I guess I wanted you to worry about me a little bit. And I didn't call yesterday when I got home because that walk tired me out." "Why couldn't you just tell me this earl-." "I don't know. But, I'm telling you now so, can you please just forgive me. Please."

I looked at him and I knew I couldn't stay mad at him because he came to explain but at the same time I was still kind of mad. So I punched him in the arm.

"Oww. Why?" "Cause I felt like it."

He looked at me and I smiled sarcastically at him.

"That's why you were jealous."

I punched him again and this time a bit harder.

"Okay seriously, now you're hurting me." "Well, I'm hungry now. Wanna go get something to eat?" "Sure. Where are we going?" "We can go to the pizza place." "Nooo. I don't want pizza. I want a burger..with fries." "So, McDonald's then?" "No. Something better than that." "Wendy's?" "No." "Would you make up your mind please before I leave without you?" "You can leave. I'll just go through all your things while you're gone." "Come on you weirdo." "Fine."

We got up and went downstairs to go outside to my car. Of course as soon as I was about to step out the door, my mom stopped me.

"How'd he get in here? And where are you going?" "We're going to get something to eat." "But we were gonna have dinner together though." "Well, you guys don't have to wait up." "Fine. Make sure you're back at 7 and not a minute later." "Okay."

Me and Gus went out to my car and when we got in I didn't start it right away. Once Gus was in he closed the door behind him and looked towards me.

"Are you okay?" "Yeah. I'm good."

I started the car then we went off to where ever.

Gustav's Pov

We ended up going to McDonald's. When we got there Maya pulled up in the drive thru and ordered our food. After she paid and we got it we parked and started eating. Maya seemed to be playing with her food at first though. I stopped eating and looked at her.

"Are you okay? Like seriously. You've been a little weird since we left." "I'm okay. I just wish my mom wasn't so uptight." "Hey, don't let her ruin this okay. We're out together and you have to be back home at a certain time but so what." "Don't you think I'm childish or something though?" "No. I don't see it that way. I don't see it that way at all. I still think you're cool Maya."

She smiled a little bit then started to eat.

She then said,"How's it going with you and your mom?" "It's good. And she's good so I'm content with that." "Yeah. Your mom's awesome." "I know."

Maya laughed and I looked at her for a minute when she wasn't paying attention. I liked times like these with her. They were refreshing and I always seemed to feel a bit better about life. That not all people were bad.

She said,"I say after we're done eating, we ride around for a minute and just listen to music." "Dude. Yes."

She nodded and we both finished eating. When we were done we threw the trash out and before she started the car she looked at me.

"You wanna drive?" "Sure."

We switched seats and then I started driving us around while we listened to music together.

Maya spoke up after awhile and said,"Tomorrow after school, we should go to the store and get a polaroid camera then just take hella pictures." "That sounds fun. Why though?" "Just so I can have some memories I guess. And it gives us something to do together."

I smiled at her comment.

"Tomorrow's Thursday so it's almost the weekend." "What were you gonna do this weekend?" "Probably nothing but lounge around. What about you?" "I don't know. Guess it depends on my parents and what they do."

I thought about the next thing I was about to say and wondered how Maya would respond. I hoped she didn't think I was weird or anything. But, I still asked.

"What's that like?..Having 2 parents?.."

I could feel her now looking at me and thought about how stupid I probably sounded.

"You know what? Never mind. That was a stupid question." "No. That's not a stupid question. Having 2 parents is okay but, it sucks when neither of them even know you. It sucks that I couldn't talk to them about anything because they'd probably never understand it. It sucks that they act like they were never teenagers before and that they don't care about anything but money.."

I felt bad for her after she said what she said. It made me happy that my mom was who she was.

"'re not like them. You're much more humble and I like that about you." "Thanks."

She put her legs up against her chest and leaned her head on the window.

"I'm glad that we're friends Gus."  "Me too."

I smiled and kept driving us around randomly.

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