Chapter Two: The New Girl (Part 2)

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Maya's P.o.v

" do you like it here so far?" "Umm..I dunno. It's kinda the same as any other high school I've been to." "Hm. How many have you been to?" "5." "Geez..just for high school?" "Yeah. You could say I'm not the best with school." "Me neither. If you don't mind me asking...what uh..what happened at the other schools?" "I just...stuff."

I looked down at the ice cream I was eating and started to play with it with my spoon.

" don't have to talk about it.." "''s fine. I uh..I..people...they about me." "Now who would ever wanna talk about you?" "Oh, you'd be surprised." " to me. Just say anything you want."

He turned towards me and put his legs in a pretzel form.

"Okay well..its usually for..the fact that I'm rich but..I want to be more than my riches." "What do you mean?" "I don't know..but it's for's for..not being the best looking." "Are you kidding me? You look better than basically all the girls at this school and you just got here." "Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?" "Just the fact that you're not caked in makeup. Is all your hair real?" "Yes it is." "2 points."

We both started laughing then a football was thrown me and Gus's way. We both darted our heads towards where it came from and it was all these jocks standing around. Laughing at what they just did like it was hilarious. I threw my ice cream cup down then stood up. I picked up the football and started walking towards the group of idiots. An angered look on my face. Gus was right behind me the entire time.

"So..who's the jackass who threw the ball?"

They all looked down at me and then one of them stepped up. He had blonde hair and green eyes. The average type of guy.

"That was me." "Hm. Why'd you throw it at us?" "Because I can. What are you gonna do about it?" "That's not a good enough answer. You can't just do anything you want, when you want, to whoever you want." "And what makes you think that?"

He got closer to me and Gus stopped him from coming any further.

"Don't come any closer to her."

They all started laughing at him and I snapped my finger extra loud. All their heads snapped towards me and I got closer to the guy.

"Listen here you son of a bitch. I come from a lot of places, and all those places taught me something new. So if you'd like to mess with us then I'll teach you some of what I've been taught. Now you and your idiot friends here aren't gonna make it too far in life because you're douchebags and you're assholes with no respect for anyone but yourselves. You think you're on top. Well you're not."

I got even closer to him and slammed the football to his chest and he stared into my eyes the entire time. Scared to even try looking away.

"And if you ever forget that you'll never be anything more than a cheap, narcissistic, wannabe asshole..."

I got to his ear and whispered,"Then I'll come back around like a nightmare and I'll make you remember."

I then pushed him back and he left with his friends after glaring me down for a couple seconds. I let out a sigh of relief then looked to my side and seen Gus just smirking at me. All his friends on my other side looking at me shocked. I didn't even realize his friends had came over to where we were.


The one Gus was standing next to earlier at the locker said,"I think I can speak for Gus when I say what you just one has ever really done here before. You're not like the other girls."

I started to blush then I said,"Well never introduced me to your friends."

He introduced me to all of them and they said something individually back to me.

Goth said,"Well really..what you did was amazing."

I threw one of my arms around Gus's shoulders and said,"Don't just talk about what I did. Gus was behind me the whole time. He's practically my hero."

I pat his chest twice and he chuckled. We then heard the school bell ring and we raced back towards the school. Rushing to our next class and basically spending the rest of the day with each other.

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