i. vivacity

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

"WHY DO YOU DO THE THINGS YOU DO?" I cried as I was practically dragged to the gym. I tried to kick and scream rape, but nothing was denying me my fate.

Life is unfair like that.

"Oh come on Y/N, I just have to keep an eye on you. Stop making this so difficult!" I squirmed about in the grip of my father's tail, but it just didn't seem to work. You see, my step-father, Rikoyo Kasuke, or Gucci lord maximus as I like to refer to him as, is the main sport teacher here at U.A. When I'm needing to be formal, I usually call him Scorpi-ass, since that's the jist of his quirk.

Scorpion tail.

He has a giant scorpion tail sprouting from his tail bone, and it can spit poisonous venom. That's pretty much it. He's also a Pro Hero, number eight I believe. Of course there's other abilities that are cool and such, but I don't really need to elaborate too much here.

I was released from his coil and dropped to the floor, letting out an 'oof' as my head thudded against the concrete. I glanced up to see the larger male continue to walk, as if he didn't just dump my corpse on the ground. I groaned, getting to my feet and waddling after him.

"So which class is it this time?" I ask, walking besides the far taller individual. He gave a thoughtful hum.

"Class 2A, y'know, the best and such. I'm doing a relief for Shota, and I need you there with me." He chuckled, nudging me with his tail. I gave a confused look.

"Hol' up there chief, I was not aware of this opperation. What?" I seethed, side glaring at the male. A shrug was all he responded with as he proceeded to put his hand on the door. I turned on my heel abruptly and walked away. "Man, fuck this shit I'm out." I grumble.

"Y/N. You're not getting out of this one that easily." Scorpio called out, making my figure freeze.

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath, regrettably turning around to face my step father.

"I got to keep an eye on you. Besides, the teacher needs an assistant, don't they?" He explained, dropping a fat hint. I gave a shrug.

"You don't need my help to teach the class, Scorpi-ass. Be my guest." I point over to the large door, giving him a frown. He gave a light chuckle.

"Not what I was referring to. Y/N, I want you to have some friends. C'mon. Please?" He asked, putting his hands together in a pray motion. I shook my head.

"Hell no. Try again." I say firmly. He rolled his eyes and he put his hands on his hips, a tablet tucked under his left.

"I'll buy you food." He bargained in a monotone voice. My lips etched into a wide grin.

"Shit man, that's all you had to say." I walked over to the giant classroom doors and pried them open to reveal a class chattering and laughing. That, however, stopped when we arrived. Eyes turned to the front as everyone reclaimed their seats, staring as we strode to the front.

I zoned out of what Scorpio was saying as I was stuck staring at a puffy caterpillar on the ground. It was huge, and had a long black wig on. I crouched down, stretching my black sweatpants.

"When are you going to become a butterfly, Aizawa?" I ask, a small smirk on my lips. His head tilted slightly as he blew a few strands of hair out of his face. His tired eyes stared at me.

"A word of advice Y/N, never be a teacher." He groaned before pulling out a yogurt pouch and slurping it up. He sighed as he went back to hibernation. I gave a thin smile as I rose back up and put my hands on my hips.

"I have seen my future, and it is BRIGHT." I snickered, still looking at the sleeping bag containing the Pro hero, Erasurehead.

"Who is that?" I turned, feeling all eyes on me. I gave an awkward smile as I glanced at Scorpio, who had a smile on his face. A hand was clasped on my shoulder as I faced fully towards the class of seated students.

"This is my assistant, she can introduce herself." He gave me a nudge with his tail before removing his giant hand from my shoulder. I gave a sigh as I put on a wide smile, pointing cool finger guns.

"Hey there gucci gamers, I'm Sokudo Y/N, cool to meet y'all." I gave a nod, giving everyone in the room a quick glance. One boy stood up, his eyes framed by glasses as he swatted his hand at me.

"Are you a student here? If so, it is against the rules to wear that kind of clothes! It is shocking that you are not expelled!" He shouted, making me wince. He grew quiet, waiting for my answer. I gave a cough, hiding back a smug smile.

"Hol' up there Robocop. I don't go here, first up." I shoved my hands roughly into the pockets of my hoodie. "Secondly, comfort over appearance, y'know?" I gave a smile. "And even if I did go here, I wouldn't be expelled right away. Give it a week or two." I shrugged, hearing snickering around the class. He gave a right angled bow.

"My apologies! I didn't know." He sat back down, listening intently again. I gave a smile and a thumbs up.

"All gucci pal." I reply cheerfully. I turn to my step father, a smile on his features. "What are we actually doing?" I ask, giving a small point to the class. He gave a chuckle before turning to the class.

"Everyone, grab your sport uniforms and head out to the field. We're going to do a Quirk Assessment Exam." He announced. Cheers were mixed with gasps of horror and sadness. A few 'I told you so's were also mixed in there. A side glance towards the taller male, made me wince.

"You're off the rails if you think I'm going to do that." I say firmly, crossing my arms. He gave a shake if his head.

"Now, I know you don't want to do it. But, I want you too." He nudged me as I watched the students pile out the door. "Besides, I know you want to show them up." He urged. I gave a bitter laugh.

"Fine. But I have conditions." I muttered sourly. A small cheer came from the older male.

"I'll be sure to tell your mother on how you got first place." He laughed, walking out the door with me behind him. I gave a click of my tongue as I walked, frowning at the floor.


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