the ligma plague

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

SLAPPING THE DUST OFF MY HANDS, I LOOKED AT THE DIFFERENT ROBOT PARTS THAT LAID ON THE STREET. Electrical wires and exploded pieces of steel and metal were at my feet as I looked down. It was really satisfying to see the chaos. The tingling of energy at my fingertips was buzzing my brain, making me hyper aware.

'19 students entering, two deceased robots outside and All Might.'

I shook my head abruptly, shaking the adrenaline away. I turned and gave a thumbs up towards the previous Symbol of Peace.

"Anything else?" I ask, giving a grin as I walked back to him. A wide smile was on his face.

"That was incredible! Thank you, young Sokodu." All Might cheered, giving an ear to ear grin. I nodded to him before looking past him to see my classmates staring at me. I gave a shrug.

"What?" I asked, as if nothing happened. Sweet, green bean took a step forwards, stars in his eyes.

"You destroyed those robots so easily!" He exclaimed, holding a fist to his chest. I gave a confused look, egging him on.

"Oh that little stunt? Thanks, it wasn't much." I small smirk threatened to break through. I scratched the back of my neck. "Just being a gucci gamer." I stood besides All Might as he read a piece of paper, waiting for him to be done so we could be told what the hell to do. He gave a smile when he was done.

"Alright, so for this lesson, you'll be split into four teams. Think of it as a rescue mission. Two teams will be the villain team, and two teams will be the hero team." He plucked a small note book from his back pocket and skimmed through the pages before stopping on one. "The goal of the hero teams will be to either capture or defeat the villains while trying to capture the prize that will be hidden by the villains."

He held up a finger. "The villains will need to hide the object and to mark it on a map, which one chosen villain will need to have on their person. The heroes need to bring back the object and put it in my hands. Then, they win!" He flicked to the next page, taking a few seconds to read a few details.

"The villain can beat the heroes by taking them out or capturing them. Tape will be supplied to everyone. You can't keep going if you've been captured." He hummed as he skimmed to another section of the book.
"Alright, listen closely to the teams.

Hero Team A:
IIDA Tenya
JIRO Kyota

Villain Team A:
SATO Rikidou

Hero Team B:
SERO Hanta

Villain Team B:
OJIRO Mashirao

I gave a sigh, hearing that 'I'm gonna eat your face' Bakugou is going to be on my team. On the bright side, cinnamon bun Uraraka was on my team. I glanced at her and gave a smile and a nod, receiving one as well. Rock hard abs and sticky situation were also on my team. Interesting.

"I hope everyone got that. Now, as for the team pairings. It will be Hero Team B versus Villain Team A, and, well the next one should be obvious. The rest of you, follow me when we leave. As for you all, get to planning and I'll give you the signal when you're good to go! Please don't hurt anyone too seriously..." He pleaded, sweatdropping. I did a salute to the man.

"Aye aye, All Might!" I cheered, watching him walk off with the others. I turned to see a floof of hair and tired eyes.

"Well, good luck. You'll need it with firecracker over there." Shinsou said lazily, a smirk on his face as he pointed to the spiky haired bomb, who was already fighting with good boy sharky. I gave a nod.

"Yeah, I'll need it. Good luck to you all as well. May the dankest team win." I held out my hand, a grin on my face. He gave a nod as he shook my hand.

"May the dankest team win." He repeated, letting my hand drop as he walked away to regroup with his team.

"FUCK TEAMWORK! LETS JUST BLAST THEM!" An annoying pomerian boasted, not knowing what quiet negotiation meant. I'm sure the other team heard us. I walked over and crossed my arms, glaring at the taller male.

"Bakuhoe you nonce, as much as I hate to admit it, we got to work together." I gave a sigh when he started to snap, his eyes narrowed at me. "Yes, I meant teamwork. Don't you know it?" I sass, getting a kick out of bullying him.

"THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE BITCH?!" He yelled, about to lunge at me if kind best boy sharky wasn't holding him back. I gave a gasp.

"Ninja! I thought we lost you to ligma there!" I smiled, giving a thumbs up. By this time, sharky boy was defeated and the smoke rising from Bakuhoe's fists was a big no no.

"I'M GOING TO EXPLODE YOU!" He screamed, eyes insane with rage. "AND WHAT THE SHIT IS LIGMA?!" He growled, stepping closer to me to the point where I could smell his morning coffee. That, however, didn't stop a smile from crossing my face.

"Well, uh, it's...


"Alright everyone! I'm about to start the timer, take notes and see how you can improve and learn from your classmates. It's very important to-"

"RAPE! HELP, HE'S GOING TO ABUSE ME!" A scream from the large monitor made All Might turn around, also catching the students attention. On the screen displayed Hero Team B, a red head and a blackette on the floor laughing their guts out while a brunette stood by and watched with confusion.

What they were laughing at, well, that was in a league of its own.

There was Bakugou, explosions propelling him forwards as he chased after Sokodu, who had tears streaming down her face from laughing. Or fear. No, not that. You need a brain to be scared.

"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU! GET BACK HERE!!" He screamed, the pure rage in his eyes enough to make anyone run the opposite direction. The girl, the absolute idiot, seemed to be having fun.

Death, apparently, was not in her PG bible.

The blonde teacher watched in horror, unsure of what to do.



I have blessed you all and removed that little purple nurple pervert and replaced him with best purple boy Shinsou.

Now if only they could do that in the series--

Also yeeted out Hagukure out to scoochy scoochy over for you.

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