i am confusion

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

THE CLASS ALL LOOKED AT HER, JUST LIKE LOOKING INTO A ZOO TO SEE A SHORT GIRAFFE. They all wore confused expressions at the girls sudden happiness. The classroom representative, Iida, adjusted his glasses, looking around at his confused classmates. He held his arm straight at the female, doing his 'memey' karate chops.

"Why is that such an accomplishment? Sleep should be regular for students our age!" He exclaimed, creating wind from the chopping actions. The blackette scratched her head, looking at the navy haired male as if he had four eyes. Oh wait-

"Well, unlike you TikTok thots, I have an outstanding record of not having a full nights sleep for..." she held up her hands, "ten years." She concluded, watching as the whole class's jaw dropped.

"Ten years?!" They all screamed in disbelief. The blackette nodded, as if it was common knowledge. Iida, being the meme he is, started to chop the air, his arm seemingly disappearing in and out of existence.

"That's impossible! How are you still sane?!"  He shrieked, reminding her of a squeaker on Xbox live. She gave a sudden loud laugh, throwing her head back.

"Me? Sane?! 'Ya funny." Y/N cackled, wiping an imaginary tear from her eye. Looking around, she noticed that the scent of strong disinfectives was due to this being a hospital. With a gasp, a stream of green electricity zipped from the bed, the covers being thrown off. The class turned every which way, blinking in surprise as the female had disappeared in the blink of an eye. If someone wasn't watching, they might not have even noticed she was gone.

"Where did she go?!" The human pikachu exclaimed, whipping his head from side to side so fast. It was a surprise he didn't get whiplash.

And just like that, the covers were flown upwards and there sat a smug Y/N, a bowl of ice cream on her lap as the sheets gentle landed on her legs. A spoon was shoveled into her mouth, a grin spreading from ear to ear.

"The ice cream here is actually fine as hell." She commented in between scoops. Everyone sweatdropped at her antics, some giving a chuckle. The doctor returned, writing something on his clipboard, stethoscope around his neck.

"Alright, I'm going to have to ask you all to leave now. Miss Sokodu needs to change and go home." He announces, walking back out the room. Some people made for the exit, either waving or saying their goodbyes. Everyone except a familiar greenette. He waited in the corner until everyone clears out, allowing him an open route to the female.

"Uhm, Y/N. Could I ask you something?" He stuttered, fiddling with his hands. The blackette downed another spoonful of creamy vanilla and gave a nod.

"Of course, Lieutenant Izuku." She salutes, spoon in hand. The male gives a small laugh before clenching his fists to his side as he looked down

"Why? Why did you fight them singlehandedly?" He whispered, just loud enough so the girl could hear him. He looked up, revealing glassy eyes. "You could've been killed! Or-or captured!" He yelled, his voice cracking. The female looked stunned, but put on a straight face as she placed her bowl on the bedside tray and swung her legs over the edge of the bed, standing up in front of the boy.

"Izuku. My man. I don't know. I wasn't thinking, literally, and decided it would be best if I was just targeted rather then the whole stadium." She explains, giving the male a small smile. She looked down, relieved to see that she was in her sport uniform still, hot pink socks sticking out from the ends of the pants.

"And when Scorpio said that no one was allowed to help you, I felt so useless. Why did he say that?" She looked back up and gave a sigh, mixing with a laugh.

"I guess he just had faith in me. Or he just wanted no one hurt. I was just fine in sacrificing myself for the team, so, I guess he saw it that way as well." She abruptly perked up, offering a bright smile, hands on her hips. "Anyways, that's all behind us now! You don't have to worry, Lieutenant Izuku, becaise everything's gonna be a-ok." She gave a thumbs up before waddling over to the other side of the bed to grab my bowl. She then walked back over and offered a spoon of it to the greenette. To which his face flushed a red at the gesture.

"Don't worry, it tastes godly." She reassures, smirking. The male gives a shaky nod before quickly slurping up the ice cream and backing off, a small smile on his face. He hummed his enjoyment.

"You're right, that is good!" He gave a grin before walking towarda the door, hand on the handle. "I've overstayed my welcome. I'll see you tommorow, Y/N!" He chirped, twisting the handle. But before he could open the door, it did it itself, a flurry of blue sparks barging the door open. Which meant that the sweet green bean was smothered between the wall and door, groaning as he feel to the floor.

"Ohmygodyou'reawakeIcan'tbelieveyoudidsomethingasriskyasthatIsweartofuckifyoudoitagainI'llabortyou." A black haired women spoke rapidly, shaking the shoulders of our protagonist wildly, causing her to jolt towards and backwards.

"Honey, you can let her go now." A voice spoke from the doorway, the voice belonging to a tall male with a thicc and scaley tail. The women glanced back at her husband before turning back to her daughter, who seemed to look like she lost her three remaining brain cells.

Releasing the blackette, the older blackette gave a sigh, instantly smacking Y/N over the head. Wincing, the emerald eyed girl's hand went to the back of her head.

"Ah, cool it Speedy Gonzales." She muttered, watching as her mother started to rant about her actions. She held her hands up in a surrender gesture, lips pressed together as her mother ignored everything an flapped her lips. She sighed when she was done, giving a frown. It was obvious her daughter wasn't listening.

Instead, she was looking over her mother shoulder and saw her step dad lean on the door, only for a small cry to come from behind it. Shook, he peeled the door back to reveal a crumpled greenette.

"Oh shit, sorry about that my guy." He apologized, heaving the male up. He look disorientated and possibly depressed.

"Sokodu Y/N are you even listening to me?!" Her gaze was plastered back to her mother, who looked pissed.

Because parents only used your first and last name if they were pissed. Like, shid in your cereal pissed.

"Mum, I get it. I did a bad, but if I didn't do that bad, then imagine how many more people would've been hurt." I explain simply, holding my hands up. Behind the women, Scorpio was leading the boy out, giving the two women sketchy looks.

"Son, never get involved in these kinds of fights, alright? Because no matter what happens, the man is usually wrong." He whispered, eyes narrowed on the arguing women. With a shaky nod, they both exit, pulling the closed quietly, allowing the two females to battle it out to the death.

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