kill confirmed

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THE LEAGUE, THE FUCKING LEAGUE OF VILLAINS WAS HERE. Damn, now it was a party. The audience cried out, some trying to escape. However, most stood like stones, watching with unblinking horror. Present Mic was yelling things into the microphone, trying to calm the masses.

Me? Well, I was thinking. Y'know when you have the feeling. That damn feeling, that you're about to do something you'll regret? Like doing a dare from a friend thats dangerous as heck, but you'll do it for street cred?

Yeah, those thoughts.

So, I did what I did best, stopping thinking and ignored the noise around me. I dashed out of the room, running to one of the open stands. I vaulted the railing and yeeted myself out into the stadium. I blasted spurts of energy from my palms, making my landing softer. I watched as villains slowly dribbled from the portal, all looking menacingly at the audience.

I gave a deep seeded sigh. Time to be a hero for once.

"EVERYONE STAY CAL- WHAT?! Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I felt all eyes on me as Hizashi announced my appearance to the whole world. I stared down the villains, who just looked at me quizically, a few even laughing. There was thirty seven, with more coming. A male with scraggly hair and hands placed all over his body stepped forwards, seemingly entertained.

"Why hello there little girl, did you want to join us? Or quite possibly stop us? Because it won't work. For we are here to spread fear and death!" He gave a howl of laughter, to which his buddies reciprocated, taking the piss out of me and boosting their plan. I started to walk, until I stood in the center of the stadium. I stopped and clenched my fists.

"Y'know." I paused for a second, realising the bluetooth earpiece I had was still connected to all the speakers. "Y'all are actually stupid. I mean, points for ballsiness, but whatever your plan is, it won't work." My voice echoed, making everything quieten down. I continued nonetheless.

"I could name about a hundred students who would be glad to come down here and beat your asses. Even a hundred heroes as well. You really must like embarrassing yourselves if you think whatever it is you've planned will work." I held my hands on my hips, kicking the tip of my metallic boots from my hero costume on the ground, kicking up a little bit of dust. The villains seemed to pause, then howled with more laughter.

"You think we don't know that?! We brought more to the party then this!" The hand man stepped forwards, hands spread like he was preaching. "Lets see if your little heroes can save you now! Release my Nomu!" The portal behind him spat out a disgusting looking creature, with its brains hanging out to its beak and finally its monstrous bulk. All I could say was, that i was glad it was wearing pants.

"Y/N! GET OFF THE FIELD! ITS- HEY!" Mic was abruptly cut off as a new voice entered the colosseum. I recognised it and paid attention.

"No one else interfere, its too dangerous for anyone else to enter. But Y/N, please be careful." Scorpio's hushed warning made the crowd yell and shout, some cheering and some complaining. I felt a smirk grace my face as my back exploded in green sparks, wings now created as a couple feathers floated down to the floor.

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