save her

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

THE BELL HAD RUNG, SYMBOLIZING THE END OF THE DAY FOR THE STUDENTS. In an unusually orderly manner, the students of 2A walked out of their class, most heading the same way back to the dorms. Abruptly, Midoriya stopped in his tracks, making his friends stop and turn back to look at him.

"Midoriya? What's the matter?" Todoroki asked, giving little to know expression per usual. The greenette just shook his head solemnly.

"We... let's get together a team to save Y/N." He said quietly, but loud enough for his small group to hear.

"We... we can't, Deku. You heard the teachers." Uraraka said sadly, glancing to the group. Todoroki kept his stoic expression, but also looked away, as if thinking. Iida shook his head, adjusting his glasses.

"As do I, Midoriya. But the pros are doing everything-"

"What have they done? Huh?" The greenette turned around, moving out of the way for a new figure to step forwards. Shinsou wore an obvious frown, slightly glaring at the navy bluette. "As far as I'm concerned. Nothing. You saw what they were doing to her. And if you didn't notice." He gritted his teeth, pointing to his left cheek. "They did something to her cheek, something real fucking bad." He huffed, angrily shoving his hands into his pockets. "I'm going to save her. No doubt about it."

"Young Thanos." Confused, the purplette turned around, his anger immediately ceasing. Scorpio stood there, a smug Magnus by his side as the young lad eyed Shinsou.

"Wassup gamers." The smol volcano greeted, clicking finger guns at the fivesome. "Seems like you're in a pickle." He added, specifically glancing at Shinsou. The much taller male to his left gave a nod, scorpion tail swaying behind him, carefree and seemingly harmless, although quite the opposite. Iida was the first to speak up, chopping his hands up and down whilst yelling.

"What could you help us with, rule breaker?!" He shrieked, making both the other student and teacher give a held in laugh.

"Buddy, if that's rule breaking then it's illegal to dab." Magnus wafted a hand, shaking his head. "Ah, anyways, if you're looking to break the law and help out a true queen, than meet us in front of the dorms tonight. Seven o'clock on the dot." He said, a smile on his face but his tone very much serious. The older male with the prawn quirk behind him gave a chuckle.

"Tell your class, no one else. If they're okay with passing their bedtimes." The two males giggled like school girls, but quickly resumed their serious expressions.

"So yeah. Whether or not you come, we'll have a group of pros with us to help out. Also, tell anyone if they're going to wear their hero suits. Only bring about five people." Magnus gave a sigh, abruptly looking down. "If they're doing what I think they're doing, then we got to save Y/N. Tonight." He glanced back up and saw faces of confusion and shock written upon the faces of the students.

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