smile and wave boys

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

"OH HELL NAH, THIS LOOKIN' LIKE CIRCUS." I screeched, looking around the dorms of Class 2A. I was told that if I was part of the squad, then I was to stay here with the other criminals. I, naturally, respectively declined the offer and walked away, not wanting to deal with this bULLSHIT. I would rather die then leave my fully stacked fridge at home alone.

"As long as you stay away from the boys, then I'll be happy." My mother chirped, smiling as she gazed around the room. I snickered, looking down at the sheet representing the dorm room layout.

"Yeah well, I'm on the boys side of the dorms. So suck it." I cackled as I saw her face do a one eighty, her smile turning into a horror stricken, wide eyed expression. With a firm tug of my wrist, she began pulling me out of the common room.

"On second thought, home is where the food is. Let's go-"

"Hol' up." A black, scaled tail was placed in front of the mother, holding her and I back. I turned to see Scorpi-ass giving a shake of his head. "She's gotta stay here, hun. Who cares if she's with the boys? She practically acts like one anyways." I squacked my disapproval, flapping my arm at the bigger male.

"I'll have you know that I'm a navy seal and graduated top of my-"

"Fine. I guess. But if she's pregnant then don't come crying to me." I choked on my sentence at the sentence that came out of my mother's mouth.

"BRUH!" I yelled, coughing up a storm as I reached out, hoping someone would help me. Instead, my step father just high fives me, leaving me to sink to the floor and drown. I gave a final ragged cough and flipped him off. "Lil' bitch." I whisper, as if saying my last words.

"Alright Y/N, get up and start unpacking while your classmates are still in class." My mother orders, a stream of blue tailing behind her as she ran out the door  presumably to go get my shit. I huffed as I stood up, brushing myself off.

"She really out here forgetting that I got super speed as well." I mumble, turning to Scorpi-ass, who was on his phone. "You gonna help, or..?" He doesn't even look up as he shakes his head.

"No. I don't think I will." He says quietly, walking towards the couches and plopping his fat ass on them, his tail hanging off the side. Sighing, I activated my own quirk and sped off towards the car, walking to and from my new dorm room with boxes. My mum was already in my room, regrettably designing and rearranging my room.

"Mum, put the bed in the corner. Then I can put my desk 'n shit in that corner-" I pointed to the corner behind me. "-and then the T.V at the end of the bed." I say, watching as she shook her head.

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