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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Y/N DIDN'T COME TO SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY. She wasn't even in her room either, as the girls had barged in and deducted that she was gone. She wasn't answering her phone, and every call went to voicemail. No one knew where she went, and no one had any leads to find her. The whole class was worried for the safety of their classmate.

Scorpio had come into the class and talked with Aizawa, looking concerned. Everyone got to talking about what could've happened to the blackette and when she might come back. There was only three people not speaking; Bakugou, Todoroki and Shinsou.

Bakugou was Bakugou. And the usual Bakugou just flat out didn't talk to anyone. Bakugou now, however, looked like he was going to blast someone to Mars if they came up to him. Someone had definetely pissed in his Cheerios that fine morning.

Todoroki just stared intently down at his table, gaze narrowed and silently thinking with a scowl. He seemed unstable, like he could be a volcano or make the entire school an ice kingdom at that moment. Every once in awhile, you could see smoke eminate from him, but no one dare asked why.

Shinsou was at the back at the class, observing all the conversations and worries of his classmates. Every time he would hear a crude remark of sorts about what might've happened to his friend, he would scoff and turn his nose up. He was disgusted, and had his own apparent thoughts about the situation.

Everyone else just continued their conversations, a girl or two close to or already crying every few minutes from the worry. The resident redhead, Kirishima, was desperately texting the missing female, praying that this was all a joke and that she would reply. Kaminari was stuck watching over his shoulder, as he wasn't blessed enough to have the girls number.

Everything was chaotic, which led a voice to speak up and silence everyone.

"Alright, everyone shut up. Eyes to the front." Aizawa commanded, gaining undivided attention from all his pupils. He sighed, shuffling papers on his desk. "This situation is being handled, the pros are looking for her as we speak." He announced, gaining a few smiles from some of the students. "Now, until she's found, we'll postpone the internships for this class, because quite frankly that's not fair." He further explained, getting a few sad looks and understanding nods.

Amongst the explaining, Kirishima abruptly jumped up, girlishly screaming as he looked at his screen. Everyone whipped around to see what was happening and jumped to the redheads side. He was showing his phone to the crowd around him, who watched with baited breathe at the unopened video.

"It's from Y/N! Should I open it?!" He screamed, looking at both teachers for advice. They both looked between themselves before Aizawa motioned for Kirishima to come up to the front. With a quick command, the phone was handed over and the blackette teacher picked up a cable and plugged it into the phone, making the whiteboard show the phone screen on the enlarged board.

ROCK HARD ABS💞💕 - 8:48am

Answer please
I'll buy you lunch I swear
This is so unmanly
But I just gotta
I don't mean to spam
but please reply
Y/N Sokodu
Where are you?
I'm super duper worried
I'll play Minecraft w/ u
Please reply
Answer plz

Cutestbro #1<3  - 9:07am

Cutestbro#1<3 sent a video


Scorpio gave a suspicious glance to the red head, who was looking away as he was dealing with stares for his little nickname for the girl. The blackette teacher just ignored it and pressed play. The video loaded, and when it did, multiple gasps were heard and some if the girls shrieked.

The video showed a dark room, with a figure on a chair bound by thicc chains and bleeding from a cut on her cheek and forehead. The girl was Y/N, that was for sure, but she didn't look like the Shikimo they were used to. Instead, this one looked dull and had an almost dead inside glint to her eyes as she just stared at the ground.

"Alright, show time!" A new figure entered the frame, a familiar one at that. Shaggy, light blue hair with gleaming red eyes stared at the camera, with chapped to hell lips and dry ass skin as well. This man really needed a spa day.

"Hello there, heroes." He spat the words out ad if it was vegetables, as if he was disgusted by the term. "We have captured one of your strongest. Isn't that just hilarious." He let out a howl of laughter, crouching down to the level of the girl in the chair, which really wasnt to far from his own height. The girl seemed to wince at this.

"Oh hell no. Ten feet away at all times, crusty headass lookin' hoe." She exclaimed, trying to move her chair away from the male. His response was a sigh, and to put a hand around her throat, lifting one finger. Some of the students lunged forwards, as if it would stop this from happening and as if it wasn't pre-recorded.

"As I was saying," the villain coughed, growing irritated, "we have your prized hero. Good luck finding her, because when and IF you do, she'll already be one of us." He cackled, taking the hand from the girls throat to scratch his throat. She could only watch in horror as he made enough snow to cover Antarctica. The girl, however, gritted her teeth, her body visibly shaking.

"Oh my fucking god." The girl screeched, trying to dodge the air filled with the disease coming from his neck. "Disgusting, dry as fuck, snow machine being ass. 'ShE'LL aLrEaDy bE OnE oF uS'. Yeah no, because this place is shit and y'all are crazy asses. Like, I thought I was a crackhead, but y'all are literally shitting out cocaine. Bleached as fuck, never seen the sun before headass, little bITCH."


The villain stopped scratching his neck as he looked in shock at the girl, who was giving a glare towards him.

"Damn, really making a homie cry like that."

"Oh shit, sister snapped tho." A few other voices snickered behind the camera, featuring to their leader, who was red in the face as he growled at whoever was laughing. He looked back to the girl and raised his hands, about to jump her.



The camera abruptly cut off, making the video close and show the message board again. The classroom was quiet as Aizawa gave the phone back to its owner and turned off the whiteboard projector. He leaned on the table and gave a deep sigh, craning his head downwards. The sports teacher just stared in shock at the blank board, his tail ceasing all movement as it's owner did.

"I'm so proud, yet so scared she's gonna die." He whispered, tearing his view from the board to look at the depression induced teacher who seemed to have lost all faith in humanity. "What... what should we do?" He asks, watching as Aizawa gave yet another sigh.


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