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Jeff's P.O.V

This night will be awesome!! We are going to a bar, then going to another bar, then another, until we are drunk off our asses! Lol no just kidding, I can't have a hangover on the wedding day. We are going to a bar, then we are going shooting, then a killing spree!! This will be awesome! We even have a deal, whoever gets the two people with the least kills, has to dance I front of everyone!

We started driving, to the bar. It was called, 'The Devil Inside Us'. It seems like weird name but, here in the Under realm, it's perfectly normal. I wonder how Jeff is doing?

Jeff's P.O.V

We made it to the bar, and we got seated. "Jeff? How are you gonna dance tomorrow, since it's obvious your going to lose!" Masky teases. "Oh really? Then how about you? What if Hoodie wants to see you in a hula skirt? That would be a perfect dance!" I tease back. "S-shut up!" "Oh and E.J, what was going on between you and Toby yesterday?" I ask. "Uh..ummm....erm....." E.J looks down and I could guess he was blushing under his mask. "N-nothing." He manages to say. "Tell me!" I scream. "Ok, ok but....later...." "Fine!"

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