Crates and Boxes

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I couldn't tell what was happening at first. My eyes were closed and I could feel the ground moving beneath my feet. I could tell it was moving upwards because it felt a lot like an elevator moving up but much stronger and at a much faster pace.

It smelt like sweat, blood and burnt oil all mixed together to make one of the most disgusting smells you could think of.

After regaining my footing and letting my sight adjust to the dark moving room, I felt along the wet, slimy walls to try and find a way out. If it was like an elevator there should be a set of doors, right?

After relentless searching that felt like hours but probably wasn't more than half an hour, I gave up and sat back down on the grated, cold metal floor.

I tried to remember anything about myself but I couldn't. It was like there was a wall inside my head that was preventing me from reaching them. It was kind of like when you can touch something but you just can't grab hold of it. It was insanely frustrating. The only thing I could remember was my name:


Well at least it's something. It's not a memory but at least I'm not nameless.

It must have been at least another half an hour before the room stopped moving. The sudden stop and squealing of old machinery must have jolted me about ten feet in the air. It was completely silent for a few minutes. Just when I thought I was going to be stuck with these boxes and crates for the rest of my life, the roof opened.

The light that poured into the old smelly room almost blinded me and I rushed to cover my eyes with my hands and arms. Through a crack between my arms I could see a head pop up over the side. I couldn't distinguish much. However, I could tell he was a boy.

"Newt! Get your shuck-ass over here!" he yelled over his shoulder and I frowned. Shuck-ass? What is that? I didn't get much time to ponder it though because another head popped up over the side. He was also a boy.

"Newt" or whatever his name was looked down at me and groaned.

"Another one, really?" He asked with a glance to his friend. The other boy glanced from Newt down to me and sighed before standing up.

He practically jumped down on top of boxes and crates to get to the bottom. I flinched and shuffled away as fast as I could into a far corner. He groaned and walked towards me.

He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, turned and proceeded to climb back up the crates. He walked past Newt and the group of boys that had decided to gather around to see what was going on. It was then that it hit me.

They were all boys. All of them and I was the only girl.

The boy continued to carry me until we got to a set of three trap doors, side by side. He opened one and practically threw me down into the middle cage.

"Welcome to the Glade, Princess."



Photo - Thomas Poster

Video - My Trailer that I made for this fanfiction.

Hey guys, obviously I've started another story and just like my other stories there are going to be certain goals to reach before I post the next chapter.

This chapter is dedicated to Nathan Moore because he's a great friend and a great story writer.

The goal for the next chapter is

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Either ones good with me.

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