8 Numbers

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Thomas took the lead with Minho, taking us to section seven.

I took the back, making sure no one got left behind.

"Come on, we're almost there." Thomas yelled from the front.

When we arrived at Blades, I noticed that they made a path for us to follow.

It led to the walkway with no sides.

Thomas stopped everyone at the wall next to it. He peered around the side and immediately snapped his head back.

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asked.

Thomas nodded.

"Alright, Chuck, I want you to take this." Thomas told him. He pulled out the cylinder and gave it to him.

"You need to stick at the back." Minho told him.

"It's alright, Chuck, you can stay with me." I told him.

He nodded.

"Once we're through the key will activate and the door will open. We stick close and we stick together." Thomas pressed.

"We get through this. We get out now. . . or we die trying." He continued. Many of the boys nodded.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Hell yeah!" I answered.

"Alright. Let's go." Thomas yelled as he lifted the pole and slammed it back onto the ground.

I grabbed Chuck and waited for the boys to all go through. They were all yelling battle cries.

Thomas led them, stick raised above his head. When they reached the Griever, they started pushing it away from them with whatever they were holding.

They pushed it back to the side and kept pushing it back, hoping for it to fall over the edge.

Chuck and I were still at the mouth of the entry and we were waiting for our chance to get through safely.

"Push it off!" Thomas yelled over the cries of both the Griever and the boys.

The Greiver swung it's tail back and forth over the boys twice. They ducked. It then grabbed a kid I didn't know by the leg and threw him over the edge. Thomas looked over at the place where he was and then turned back to the threat.

Chuck and I ran forward. The Grievers leg was in my way and I hacked my knife at it. Somehow Chuck had gotten in front of me and my blade knocked the key out of his hands.

"No!" Chuck yelled. He ran after it and I yelled his name, chasing after him.

"Watch the edge!" I yelled after him.

He slid across the floor and managed to just reach the key in time for it to go over. He was half over the edge and I heard him squeal in fear.

I reached him and stated to pull him back over. There was a Griever climbing the edge and it was coming straight for us.

"Pull me up! Pull me up!" He yelled. I got him over the edge and we both stood and ran for the group.

"Thomas!" Chuck yelled.

"Chuck?" Thomas asked, looking around for him. They had just pushed the Griever over the edge. He then noticed the two Grievers that were chasing us and he yelled.

The group parted for us as we ran past. The key made the beeping noise and flashed green. The doors started to slide open and we ran inside.

"It worked." Chuck said, amazed.

The tunnel wasn't very long and at the end of it there was another small room.

A red circle flashed on and it had eight rings with eight numbers on them.

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" I yelled.

"Minho what's the sequence?" Thomas yelled to the boy next to him, still fighting off the Grievers.

"The Maze! what's the sequence?"

"Seven, one, five, two, six, four!" he yelled. I punched in the numbers as he said them. There was two missing.

I looked back to see Minho was trapped under one of the Grievers. Jeff ran forward and plunged his stick into the Grievers body.

It reared back and grabbed him. It was eating Jeff.

"Jeff!" Winston yelled.

Thomas pulled him back and Minho yelled the last two numbers.

"Eight, three!"

I put them in and waited. After a few seconds the whole circle flashed green and said,


We both looked back to see the three sets of doors begin to close.

As they closed, they crushed the remaining Grievers.

The last one closed and guts spilled out onto the floor and we were enveloped in total darkness.


One more chapter to go.


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