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Alby looked bad. He was being restrained with cloth around his arms that were tied to his chest had a few nasty veins sticking out as a very noticeable blue. His wound was getting worse.

"How do you even know what this stuff is?" Newt asked me.

"Long story." I replied.

"Alright well the rest of us don't know what this stuff is or who sent it or why it came up with you. I mean, for all I know, this stuff might kill him." Newt reasoned.

"He's already dying. Look at him. How could this possibly make this any worse?" I reasoned back.

"Alright." Newt finally caved.

He passed the vial back to me and I stepped forward. I glanced back at Newt one more time and positioned the vial on his chest.

I was just about to click the button when Alby opened his eyes. In the low light they looked demonic as he started trying to attack me.

Jeff and Newt were trying to hold him down and I managed to get free.

"You shouldn't be here!" He growled at me.

I stepped around Jeff and plunged the vial down and clicked the button. Immediately, he calmed down.

"Well that worked?" Jeff said questioningly.

"Alright, from now on, somebody stays here and watches him around the clock." Newt ordered.

We stayed in silence for a minute and I noticed Gally in the shadows.

"Hey. Sundown you guys. Time to go." He told Thomas and I.

Gally was holding a torch and leading us to the Slammer.

"Why do you hate us so much?" I asked him.

"Everything started going wrong the minute you two showed up." He answered.

"First Ben, then that kid and then Alby."

Thomas and I stayed silent.

We watched as Gally opened two of the cells and Thomas jumped into the first. The second one was opened and I climbed in.

"Gally." I started. He looked at me before starting to lock up my cell.

"You know we can't stay here forever, right?" I asked. He looked at me but didn't say anything. A few seconds later he left, taking the light with him.

I sat in silence for a while, listening to the night sounds.

I could hear a small set of footsteps making their way towards me and I called out,

"Who's there?"

Chuck came into view and I sighed.

"Sorry Chuck. I didn't see you."

He passed me down some food and I smiled.


"Welcome. I was asked to tell you that Newt moved your stuff to the sleeping quarters but you'll be in the same area as him." He told me. I nodded.

He walked over to Thomas's cell. I could hear small snippets of their conversation but I didn't pay any attention to them.

I lay down on the cold, hard dirt and closed my eyes. I may as well get some sleep while I can.

"Good work, Ravyn. Come with me." Ava said. I was working on Alby's vitals.

I stood up and followed her out of the room. She led me down white hallways and corridors, without saying a word.

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