Bon-fire Night

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I settled into my "room" in the Homestead, if you could call it that.

The walls were made up of sticks somehow stuck together to make the walls and roof. The floor was just dirt. My bed frame was also made of sticks and the mattress and sheets didn't really look all that comfortable although I guess it was more comfy than the hammocks I saw in the sleeping quarters.

Outside, I could see it was beginning to get darker and I involuntarily shivered, even though it was really hot and I was sweating through my clothes. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

Why can't I remember anything? Why am I the only girl? Who was Teresa? How was she "taken?"

Hundreds of questions raced through my head and I closed my eyes in a futile effort to rid them from my confused and cluttered mind.


I was vaguely aware of a shaking sensation on my shoulder and a loud voice saying name expectantly. I groaned and tried to roll away from the incessant shaking. Key word tried. The person trying to wake me up just rolled me back over and I finally opened my eyes.

Newt was standing over me and glaring down at me.

"Jesus, Greenie. How heavily do you sleep?" He asked. It was only then did I hear the loud sounds of laughter and cheers. I decided not to answer and just looked right back up at him.

"Anyway, dinners being served so come on. I want you to meet someone." He said. My sleep-riddled brain eventually processed the request but by then Newt was already out the door and heading down the hallway towards the exit.

I jumped up and followed him. It was dark outside and I looked up at the stars. I could pin-point constellations randomly and I smiled at the random shapes they took.

Newt was heading towards a campfire and I rushed to catch up with him before I lost him in the large crowd of boys standing in a large circle around something.

When I reached him, he was already talking to a slightly taller boy with short, dirty brown hair. His eyes looked almost black in the low light, despite the large bon-fire a mere few feet away. He had large eyebrows and his lips were almost bow shaped. I walked over and stood next to Newt. He looked at me and turned back to his friend.

"Thomas, this is Ravyn. The newbie from today I was talking to you about." Thomas nodded but didn't say anything. Newt smiled sadly at Thomas and guided me away from the handsome man.

"He was friends with Teresa so don't mention her to him, alright?" He asked me. I nodded looked at the ground.

"Is there anywhere I can get some food?" I asked shyly. He nodded and led me to the "Food-Shack."

I was given a kebab of some kind and I asked for another one for Thomas. He peaked my interest and I wanted to get to know him more.

I walked back over to the sulking boy who was now sitting down on a log and sat next to him. He looked up at me and I handed him a kebab. He took it with a muttered, "thanks."

"It's Ravyn, right?" He asked. I nodded and looked up at him.

"No offence but if one of the guys sent you over here to talk to me can you please leave?" He asked.

"No-one sent me but me." I assured him and he nodded glumly.

"What's out there?" I asked him quietly. We were facing the large doors that were now closed and he swallowed a piece of kebab.

"The Maze." He simply replied. I choked on a bite of my food and looked at him.

"The what?"

"The Maze." He repeated.

"So that's what the Runners have been mapping." I mumbled to myself. He nodded beside me and looked up over to the doors.

"How long have they been mapping it?" I asked him.

"Three years, apparently."

"If it's just a maze, how could it take that long to figure out?" I asked him.

"Do you hear that?" he asked me quietly. I strained ears to listen and could hear, now that I was paying attention, a lot of clanging and booming coming from inside the Maze.

"Yeah. What is it?"

"It's the Maze. It changes every night. That's why it's so hard to find a way out or so I've heard. Before the last Greenie a week ago, I was the new kid so I really know about as much as the builders when it comes to this place." He confided. I didn't answer because I didn't really know what to say.

Oh, congratulations for being stuck here before me! have a great night!

Yeah, I don't think so.

For lack of better conversation I asked him, "what's your job?" He looked at the stars before answering me.

"I'm a Runner."



Photo= Gally Poster

Video= The Maze Runner Cast Funny Moments: Part 2

I think this is a relatively long chapter. I hope you guys like it. I was looking forward to their first meeting. As usual, please comment your thoughts and opinions.

Next goal is

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