Don't get Stung

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I awoke to loud screaming. It sounded like someone was being tortured.

I heard lots of yelling and arguments going on upstairs. I got up and walked down the hallway. The yelling got louder as I progressed to the stairwell.

The steps creaked every time I took a step and I flinched, afraid of getting caught.

"We have to. He's not going to last much longer his way. It's more humane than the alternative. We've seen what it does if you leave it to get worse." That was Gally.

"But those vials in Teresa's pockets! The note said that it was the cure for getting stung. You can't tell me that it's not worth the risk." I heard Newt say.

"No, we can't. For all we know, it'll just kill him faster!" Gally yelled.

"You can't know that!"

"Enough!" I heard another voice yell. It was Alby.

"Gally, he's going to go mad anyway. What's the harm in trying?" Newt tried to reason.

"No. If I find out you gave him that serum. I'll kill you."

I heard his heavy footsteps and I darted forward and around the corner so I was just out of sight. I heard the door open and whoever was inside let out another blood curdling scream. I flinched.

Merely seconds after the door closed, it opened again and I heard Newt and Alby talking.

"He can't do this for much longer, Al. Gally's deluded. There's nothing left to lose." Newt said.

Alby grunted.

"You heard him, Newt. He's not just going to let it go. He's already on edge with the changes that's happening. Ben got stung in the middle of the day." Alby stressed.

"Yeah, but-"

"No alright. It's not going to happen." Alby cut him off. Newt was about to say something before Alby stormed off.

Newt yelled in frustration before storming down the stairs. Ben let out a loud screech as if Newt leaving was a horrible idea.

I poked my head around the corner to see the hallway completely cleared.

I walked cautiously to the door and quietly pushed it open. When there was enough space for me to get through, I snuck in and closed the door behind me, flinching when it squeaked on its rusty hinges.

I turned around and involuntarily let out a shriek. Ben looked horrible. His skin was a nasty shade of greeny-blue and his lips were a sickly shade of purple. His veins stuck out as a blue-purple colour.

I jumped back when he moaned in pain. It was like something in him snapped when I touched his hand. He started screaming like someone was dissecting him slowly and I jumped back in fear.

I heard running footsteps and the door opened. Alby, Newt and Gally all rushed in followed by Thomas.

"What are you doing in here? Get out!" Alby yelled. I flinched and walked towards the door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

Thomas followed me outside and led me outside to the Deadheads where we walked for a while. When were far enough away that no-one could eavesdrop he stopped me.

"What were you doing?" he asked me.

"I heard the screams. I had to know what was going on." I replied.

"I understand."

We walked in silence for the next ten or so minutes before we heard the loud cracking of twigs snapping in front of us.

I looked up from the rock I was kicking around and saw a boy. He was a Glader, I could tell that much.

He looked off. He was pale and I could see his lips turn a paler shade of blue every second.

He's been Stung.

Something whispered to me in the back of my mind. I started to yell out a warning but it was too late. The boy pounced on Thomas, knocking him to the ground.


Hey guys! Chappie 9 already!


Photo= Movie Poster

Video= "The Maze Runner Cast Breaks Down Glader Slang."

I will dedicate the next chapter to whoever can guess where I'm from. Good luck.

Next goal

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