Woman in White

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After removing the torn up, worn out and dirty shoes from my feet, I put the new shoes on.

They were comfortable and they almost felt like they gave a little bit of extra bounce when I took a step.

I excused myself from their company to put on my new clothes, taking my box with me.

When I got to my room I placed the box on my bed and started to strip.

I managed to peel my sweaty, bloody and stained clothes off my also sweaty, bloody and smelly body. The new clothes seemed to almost make me feel clean. Almost.

With a start, I realised I had no idea what I looked like. There were no mirrors here and I had no memories of myself.

I moved to get up but stopped when I knocked the box off my bed. It landed upside down and I picked it up. On the floor there was a piece of paper.

I picked it up and started to read it.


Everything is about to change.

W.I.C.K.E.D is good.

Ava Page.

Ava Page. That sounded familiar. With a gasp, I realised where I had heard it from.

"I have an appointment with Dr. Page."

I heard my voice tell me from the back of my mind. My dream.

"You are out next Saving Grace."

It's her. It's the woman in white.

I heard footsteps coming down the hall and I stuffed the note into my pocket. Not even five seconds later, Newt was standing at the door and leaning against the door frame.

"Come on. Your going to spend the day with me and Thomas." He said.

I stood up.

"Newt?" I asked. He nodded at me.

"What do I look like?" I asked hesitantly.

He looked taken aback by my strange request but he answered anyway.

"You have long, slightly wavy blonde hair. Your eyes are a greenish blue. Your nose is small but just right for your face and when you smile you light up the room." He told me. I blushed.


"No problem, now let's go." He said awkwardly. I laughed and followed him out of the room.


"Why would he go into the maze though?" I asked Thomas.

"He's checking something out with Minho apparently." He replied.

"Are you two going to help me or not?" Newt asked, stopping his assault on hacking at the tree stump.

I shook my my head.

"Nope." I was will pretty angry at him. I mean, just because I'm a girl does not mean I can't protect myself.

"It's like you heard, yeah?" Newt started.

"Every month the box sends up supplies and a new Greenie. This month, that's you. Well, someone had to be first. Someone had to spend a month here, alone. That was Alby. When more people started turning up, that's when he realised this wasn't going to work unless we all work together." Newt explained.

"What has that got to with anything?" I asked.

"Alby knows better than anyone what this place is about. He knows what he's doing. He knows better than anyone. If he's gone into the Maze, it means something is happening that hasn't happened before." He elaborated.

I nodded.

"Thomas, do you want to take a walk with me?" I asked him.

"Sure, why not?"

"Just don't go into the Deadheads, it's dangerous." Newt ordered us.

I ignored him and practically dragged Thomas to somewhere a little more private.

"What is it?" he asked me.

"There's something I need to tell you." I told him quickly.

"In my dreams, I saw you. We were working for W.I.C.K.E.D. I don't know why or what for but I do know that we were doing it voluntarily." I said.

"I know. I've seen you as well. You told me that everything's about to change."

"Wait, what?"

"You told me that everything's about to change. Do you know something?" he asked quickly.

"In my box this morning, there was a note. Oh, hang on."

I dug my hand into my pocket and grabbed the note. Pulling it out, I handed it to him. After he read it, he looked at me.

"Who's Ava Page?"

"The woman in white." I responded.


Photo= Character Poster

Video= "Movie Clip"

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