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I almost fell off the wall but I managed to hold on. When the wall stopped moving, I saw that another path had been made in front of me on the top of the walls.

I ran along it and heard the Griever finally manage to scale the wall. I ran along the wall and followed it until there was no where to go.

I looked behind me to see the Griever still chasing me and I gulped. I looked over the edge and sighed. The wall was only about three meters tall. It wouldn't kill me. It would hurt though.

I looked back one more time before I jumped. Time seemed to slow as I fell towards the ground. The Griever was screeching and my heart was pounding. Everything came back to me once I hit the ground though. I heard a crunch as I landed and pain stabbed all the way from my left leg to my side. I screamed.

I heard the Griever above me and I began to get up. I fell down once more and I took a breath. Adrenaline surged through my body and gave me the strength to get up and keep moving. I could see the night starting to fade and I smiled slightly before realising the Griever was still behind me and I ran once again.

It was painful, i'll admit that. Although the fear of the Griever was greater and I pushed myself to keep moving. I seemed to be able to keep ahead of the creature somehow. I turned a corner and looked ahead. There was a section closing. I remembered that I came that way earlier from the Glade. My chance to get back was closing. If that closed than I would be dead.

I started to run towards it. At the mouth of the section, I stopped. If this closed while the Griever was still inside it, it would kill it and i'd be free to walk back to the Glade. I looked behind me. The Griever was thundering toward me. With one more glance at the still closing doors, I ran.

The corridor was much longer than I had originally thought and I struggled to get through. The Griever was slowly getting crushed and I made it through just before the doors closed completely. I laughed hysterically and turned around. There was guts and machine parts on the floor and it smelled awful but I was just happy to be alive.

I sat down and my laughing died down. I heard a clicking. It sounded like the Grievers and I silently hoped there wasn't another one because I didn't have the energy to deal with it. I looked at the remains of the Griever and saw a blinking red light.

I stood up, groaned and walked towards it. It was the exact same clicking I heard when the Griever was chasing me. I reached my hand through to pick it out and jumped back when its leg moved. I hoped it was just a reflex. I hesitantly reached my hand back in and tugged. Some kind of internal organ came out in my hand and I retched.

The clicking was coming from inside it and I pulled whatever it was out. It was a silver cylinder. There was a red number flashing on one end.


I watched the number flash for a while. In the ditance I heard the doors open from the Glade. There was a loud screech from somewhere behind me and I dropped the cylinder in fear. I retraced my steps until I got to the coridoor that led to the Glade. My leg was about to give out and I called out a broken,


No-one answered me and I sighed. I saw that Alby was no longer where Minho left him and I hoped a Griever hadn't gotten to him.

I got about halfway to the doors when my leg collapsed. The last thing I heard was,

"Guys, look!"

Then my eyes closed and I was gone to the world.


Well guys... What did you think? No one is answering my comments.. I wanna hear from you guys.


Photo= Character Poster

Video= "Maze Runner Clip"

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