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After the boy left, I tried to unlock the door but it wouldn't budge. I could only just reach the leather belt that locked it in place and no matter how loudly I yelled, no-one came to help me.

Eventually, I sat down and stopped yelling. I noticed little flecks of dirt on my pinkish-purple tank top. In my boredom I started to pick them off. I must have been very into it because the next time I look up, there was a dark-skinned boy watching me from the other side of the trap door.

I shrieked and scrambled back. He didn't seem to think that was weird and just said,

"My names Alby. Can you tell me anything about yourself? A name, memory anything at all?" I looked up at him confusedly. How did he know I couldn't remember anything? Did he know something I didn't?

"I only know my name." I responded. He looked at me expectantly and raised his eyebrow.

"Ravyn." He nodded and stood up.

"Well Ravyn. Welcome home."

I stood up and dusted off my jeans.

"So, are you going to let me out?" I asked. He laughed lightly and nodded.


He undid the leather strap and swung the door open. He reached his hand down and gestured to me to grab hold. I gripped his hand tightly and he hoisted me out.

"Come on, I'll give you the nickel tour." He said. I nodded and hurried off after him.

"We have nine types of jobs. There's Track-Hoes. They deal with all of the weeding and planting. There's the Builders and Bricknicks. Their jobs are basically the same but the Bricknicks repair buildings instead of building them. There's Baggers and Med-Jacks. The Baggers deal with bodies and the Med-Jacks are our doctors. We have Slicers, who work in the Bloodhouse. They take care of the livestock and kill them when we need food. We have Cooks, which is pretty self-explanatory and we have what we call Sloppers. They do all of the dirty work. That's the worst job to have." Alby explained.

I counted them on my fingers. There was only eight.

"What's the last job? You said there were nine but you only told me eight." I asked him. He sighed.

"The last type of job we have is being a Runner. Every day the Runners go through those great big doors and try to find a way out." He pointed to a set of open stone doors and I glanced back at him.

"What are they trying to find a way out of? What's out there?" I asked him. He looked away from me and hesitated before looking back at me.

"We only have three rules.

1) Everyone does their part,

2) Never hurt another Glader and

3) Never, I repeat, never go beyond those walls. Ever." He glared at me to make his point and I nodded.

He seemed happy with my response and he turned around as if looking for something or someone.

"Newt! Newt! Get over here!" He yelled. Almost immediately the younger boy who had been called a "Shuck-Ass" sauntered over and looked at Alby expectantly.

"Find Ravyn somewhere to sleep tonight that's not near the bloody builders, would you?" He asked. Newt nodded and gestured for me to follow him.

"We'll probably have you sleep in the Homestead for a couple of nights. Just until the other boys get used to another girl around." He explained as he headed towards a large shack like building made out of sticks and branches.

I struggled to keep up with his fast pace and managed to to reach his arm to make him stop.

"Why am I the only girl here? What did you mean by another girl?" I rapidly fired questions at him. He sighed but nodded.

"There was this other girl. Her name was Teresa. She," he paused and sighed again. "She died yesterday. She was with the Runners and got taken." His eyes widened dramatically like he wasn't supposed to say something and he started walking again, faster than before.

"Taken? What do you mean taken? By what?" I asked. He stopped and turned around.

"Okay look, I wasn't supposed to say most of that so keep your trap shut about all of that." He wiped his nose with his hand violently and silently waited for an answer. I gaped at him and he seemed to take that for a yes because he took off, yet again for the "Homestead."

This time I followed silently.



Photo= Newt Poster

Video= "The Maze Runner Cast Funny Moments."

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