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Newt trampled into my room a few minutes later.

"Oh, good. You're up already. We need to go. You my friend, have a busy day ahead of you." He told me with a smile. I nodded silently. He must have picked up on my mood because he asked me if I was okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking." I replied, looking at the necklace in my hand. He followed my gaze.

"What's that?"

"A necklace. I found it in my pocket this morning."

I put it around my neck and placed it under my shirt.

He shrugged and led me outside. He walked me all the way to the Bloodhouse. On the way he explained what was known as "The Picking."

"Everyone goes through the Picking. I did. Gally did. Everyone does. What happens is, you spend an hour or so at each job. At the end of the day, all of the Keeper's meet and decide how well you did at each trade. That's how people get their jobs." He finished with his hands on his hips.

"You start with Slicers." He said happily. Something about the name made me wary of what was inside the Bloodhouse. Not that the station sounds any better. I didn't like the sound of it. At all.

He walked me to the door. I hesitated and looked at him. He moved his arms and made an expression that basically said,

Ladies first.

He smirked as I lightly shoved his shoulder on the way past.

"Bloodhouse" is a very appropriate name for the station. As soon as you walk inside the doorway, that's all you can smell. Blood. It almost made me hurl on the spot.

To make my situation worse, Winston, I think his name was, walked over and smiled. His apron was stained dark brown and he was holding a knife that was dripping blood.

"Hey Newt. This the one going through the Picking? I thought I heard somewhere that there was a new girl. How's Thomas doing?" He asked.

"Thomas is fine. A little quiet but who wouldn't be. You didn't see her last night because you were too drunk on Gally's trade secret recipe and yes, Ravyn is going through the Picking today. Do me a favour? Look after her and don't let anybody touch her." Newt said. Winston smiled and nodded. Newt sent me a small nod and walked back through the door.

"So, we better get you an apron and help set you up." He said. I nodded hesitantly and followed after him.

"You don't talk much do you?"

"I'm more of a thinker. You seem to talk a lot." I observed.

"Yeah, well, that's because I'm more of a talker than a listener. Hey! Do you want to hear a story? well, there was this one time where-"

I struggled not to listen to his story although I caught snippets. Things about pigs and chicken wings or something. As I said, I wasn't really listening.

The Bloodhouse seems much bigger inside than it does outside but maybe that's just me. Pulleys and chains hung from the roof and some were covered in blood and other substances that I didn't and quite frankly don't want to know about. Even the floor was more red than grey like the stone slabs that we walked on.

It felt like hours but probably wasn't any more than five minutes when Winston stopped and threw an apron back at me. I caught it and nearly gagged when I realised it was still wet with fresh blood.

I managed to get it on without hurling and waited for Winston to lead the way or tell me what to do.

"Just through there is the meat room. I'll warn you now that you should probably watch your step. There's lots of leftovers. If you know what I mean." He warned me with an amused expression.

I'm going to be sick.

Let's just say that the next hour wasn't the best I'd ever lived but then again, I don't really remember any of it anyway so what does it matter?



Photo= Teresa Poster

Video= "Who Dylan O'Brien and the Maze Runner Cast Want to Be Stuck in a Maze With"

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