Cats of Leafclan

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*i have updated this. Flamepaw, Willowpaw, And Branchpaw. Become apprentices in this book!*


Leader- Cloudstar- white and grey tom

Deputy-Stormfire- grey tom

Medicine cat- Mothberry- calico she-cat


Larchdust- black and grey tom/ app. Flamepaw

Aspenlight- red she-cat/ app: Spiderpaw

Rippleshine-silver and white she-cat/ app. Streampaw

Brownstep- brown she-Cat/ app. Willowpaw

Pooldapple- light grey tom/ app: Webpaw

Emberwhisker- orange tom/ app. Branchpaw

Owlflight-brown tom

Jumpinglight- dark brown she-cat

Briarivy- brown tabby she-cat


Spiderpaw-grey and black tom

Webpaw- light grey she-cat

Streampaw- light gray she-cat

Flamepaw- orange tabby tom

Willowpaw- brown and white she-Cat

Branchpaw- dark brown she-cat


Lavenderflame- silver and white she-Cat / mothers Stormfire's kits: Silverkit, Skykit, and Dovekit

Sandflame- pale ginger she-cat/ expecting Cloudstar's kits


Silverkit- silver tabby she-cat

Dovekit-darker silver tabby she-cat

Skykit- light gray she-cat


Stonedrop- grey tom

Talonsnow- orange tom

Fallowsplash- black and white tom

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