hey, you know what sounds good?
a bullet to the head
they always said i was a good shot-
what- you don't like the joke?
let's try another,
there was a guy who slit his wrists in the
and bled out
wanna know the punchline?
he lived!
still not funny?
don't worry, his roommate didn't think so
guess that's why he's in the loony bin
come on, it's just a joke
don't you like sardonicism?
life IS a joke-
here's some optimistic nihilism for you:
at least he's going to die eventually
and he won't have to be a failure
(what a relief!)
you're still not laughing?
that's alright,
he isn't really laughing either
guess you better get your head checked
Poetry"I dreamt I grew roots and sunk into deep earth, Where mud became my skin and dampened grains freckled my surface, I opened my mouth wide for the sprouting branches Leaf-speckled limbs And sunflowers blossomed from my eyes, Sunlight bled in waves, w...