These Deep Waters

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I love the way you live,
quiet force and slow moving
I imagine the way your tongue carries sound
Must be a kind of grace
I have never known
And I wonder what a smile like that
could do to seas like these
(Crack the surface open wide and let the air
rush in, I can breathe finally, finally)
The way it blossoms on your face
makes me think of volcanic eruptions and
Sunlight breaking

And it feels like sinking
Into oceans and seas and river beds and Great Lakes
That smell like you
Or sound like your name when the current roars through
And river stones the color of your eyes
Settling on my skin
You leave me here alone
With ghosts of wild love
In these deep waters

I almost want to be angry
How can someone like you like a person like me?
Why push the boundary?
The invisible line of love and wanting
And things mysterious and misunderstood
How do I say, I'm a certain kind of boy?
I wonder quite horribly
If you'd ever go for a guy like me
But these are such murky questions
I think I'll just lie here
In these deep waters

But when you clasp my wrist with shaking
hands and heavy lidded eyes
And my name trembles on your tongue
The way rivers run to sea
I realize suddenly, I am not alone
On love-sick seafloor,
you are right here next to me
in these deep waters

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