well i'm sitting here drinking coffee and cocoa (the way you sometimes do) and it's cold and the light is pale and quiet from the rain and i've got lucy by my side. and i started thinking of you (the way i sometimes do). there's a cadence to your voice that sometimes surprises me; it's so melodious. and that quiet expression in your river-stone eyes; brown and green and yellow: earth for sunflowers to bloom. and even now, listening to the rain strike the glass, i know there's more to you. i saw inside when you looked at me with red-rimmed eyes and whispered that promise. the promise to not make up your mind about dying just yet- after we listened to that song in "once". i saw burning life in there so sharp and vivid i wanted to promise the same damn thing.
when you play the piano, when you sing or rap fast or tell that damn alpaca joke- i've never seen someone so alive. and it's like a hammer to my chest. i've been sleeping with death for so long i did not know i could wake up. you are an alarm i did not see coming, you startling soul. and sometimes i'm terrified it's a beauty i can't touch- a distance of skin and bone and organs i can't breach. but, god, do i want to. i want to touch your soul.
Poetry"I dreamt I grew roots and sunk into deep earth, Where mud became my skin and dampened grains freckled my surface, I opened my mouth wide for the sprouting branches Leaf-speckled limbs And sunflowers blossomed from my eyes, Sunlight bled in waves, w...