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"HOOHHHH." Junkyu's mouth was opened as he looked at his phone.

"What?" Mashiho asked.

"Haruto just asked me if I could help him do his part on his project with Hayeol." He smiled. "I gasped because now, I know I'm good at art." He shrugged.

Yoonbin rolled his eyes. "I thought you gasped because of the fact that Haruto is partners with Hayeol."

"What?! He is?" Junkyu widened his eyes. "Oh.. yeah, he is!" He laughed.

Byounggon looked him with no expression. "Hyung, you look scary." Junkyu looked away.

"It's because of your dumb koala self." The boys laughed at Byounggon's response.

"I wonder what will be the plot of the story Hayeol's writing." Mashiho pouted.

"Love story is good! And Haruto hyung will fall in love with how Hayeol noona wrote it when he reads it~" Junghwan butted in.

The boys furrowed their eye brows at the youngest. "Since when did you got here?"

"Just now. Hehe."

"But I don't think Haruto will read it. He'll just print out the story and give it to Hayeol." Jihoon pointed out.

"I think that's something YOU would do, Jihoon." Byounggon said.

Jihoon just shrugged. "hehe."


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"I'm done eating~" Hayeol caressed her tummy. "Wah~"

Doyoung smiled. "Let's go, then." She nodded.

They went to put back their plates first, before walking around the school. "Should we go to the rooftop?" Doyoung looked at Hayeol.

"I was actually thinking of that." She giggled. "Minji will you go with us?"

"Ha! Thought you forgot that I'm here." Minji pouted. "But no, I won't. I have something to discuss with Junhyuk so I gotta go back to the classroom." She smiled.

"Ah, I envy you for having a nice partner." Hayeol looked down.

"Hehe. I'll go now!" Minji waved at the both of them. "Have fun with him, ahuh?" She whispered at Hayeol before winking.


Hayeol faced Doyoung again. "Let's go."

They went to the rooftop together and leaned at a wall. "I feel so free here. I feel like I'm out of the hell called school." Hayeol laughed.

"Specially now, that I'm kind of stressed out at the moment." She continued.

Doyoung looked at her. "Hmm?"

"I can't think of any nice plot for our project yet. We have to submit it by next week and I already want it to be done by now."

"Aww, I'll help you." Doyoung smiled at her.

She looked up at Doyoung and nodded.

"Who are you partnered with, by the way?"

"Unfortunately, Watanabe Haruto."

Doyoung looked away. "Oh."


"Nothing." He smiled again.

Hayeol looked at her wrist watch. "Ah, Doyoung. We should go back now."

Doyoung nodded and went down with Hayeol. He took her back to her classroom first.

"Thanks. Go back to your room, you might get late." Hayeol went inside the classroom.

Doyoung nodded and walked away.

Haruto tilted his head. "Who is he?"

"Oh that's Doyoung. Don't you know him? He's always been with Hayeol." Jeongwoo answered.

"No, I've been seeing him but I don't know his name."

Jeongwoo laughed. "Why? You're jealous, aren't you?"

Haruto looked back at Jeongwoo and furrowed his eye brows. "Why would I get jealous?"

"Haruto, don't you think Hayeol's attractive?" Jeongwoo raised both of his eye brows twice. "I think she is."

"No, I don't." Haruto fixed himself. "You should get your eyes checked."

"Hmm, liar." Jeongwoo whispered to himself.

Haruto started crumpling a paper and threw it.

It hit Hayeol's shoulder. She looked around to see which direction  it came from and she could see only Haruto looking at her. She picked it up and threw it back to his face.



"Hey! What is the yelling about?!"

The students all went back to their seats and fixed themselves. "Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Lee?"

"STAND UP!" The terror teacher hit the table, making a loud noise.

They both stood up. "Sir, I-."

"I don't need your explanations, I heard you both yelling and that's enough for me to make you go out of my class!"

Hayeol looked down and Haruto gulped. "I'm in a very very bad mood today and you both are making it worse. OUT. OF. THE. ROOM. NOW!"

Haruto walked out of the class with his hands inside his pockets. "Is he real?" Hayeol whispered to herself.

Feeling the teacher's eyes on her, she slowly followed Haruto out of the classroom.

"Fucking shit." Hayeol looked at Haruto. "This is your fault."

Haruto's eyes are just looking straight in front of him, expressionless.

"We are supposed to take a quiz in this period. This is bad, I can't miss a test!" Hayeol sat down the ground. "Oh, and you're seriously not gonna say anything?"

"It isn't the first time that I got kicked out of the class, right?" He finally looked at her. "I'm good with this. But bad for you."

He stuck his tongue out at her.

She rolled her eyes. "You know what, good thing I can't yell at you or beat you up right now cause I might get heard by the class."

Haruto just shrugged.

"Why did you even threw that paper?" Hayeol asked, crossing her arms.

"I was about to ask about the project." Haruto fixed himself. "Any progress?" He asked, bringing out his phone.

"I still haven't think of-."

"Don't talk to me, I don't talk to ugly people." He said, looking at his phone.


Haruto just smirked, knowing what's next.

The door opened. "YOU TWO, DETENTION!"

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