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"My head hurts, oh wow." Hayeol massaged her temples using her fingers.

Minji released a sigh. "Same. I didn't get to review some parts last night."

Hayeol stood up. "Let's go eat, now. I'm hungry as shit." She wrapped her arm around Minji's shoulders and started walking with her out of the classroom.

"Ah, Hayeol!"

Both girls turned around as Haruto called Hayeol. "Goni hyung said he wants you to eat with us today."

"Yeah, sure." She smiled. "Let's go together."

"Ah, did Doyoung tell you if he's going to eat with us?" Hayeol faced Minji.

Minji looked away. "Uhh... he told me he has some important things to work with."

Hayeol pouted ash she nods.

The four of them including Jeongwoo, made their way to the cafeteria. After getting themselves some food, they looked for Byounggon's table.

"Annyeong annyeong annyeong annyeong~" Hayeol sat in front of her brother, in between Haruto and Minji.

Hayeol stopped as she saw Junkyu looking like he's trying not to laugh as he looks at her and Haruto. "Uhh.. Is there something wrong, Junkyu oppa?"

Junkyu breathed. "Hehe, no. There's nothing wrong. Everything's toootally fine."

"Junkyu." Byounggon looked at him.


Haruto then looked at Hayeol's plate. He grabbed his chopsticks to get some food from her to tease her. "Y-yah, that's my food-."

Haruto smiled after putting it in his mouth. "I know."

Hayeol then did the same as he glared at him. "Fair."

Seunghun laughed. "Look how different you are to those." He pointed at Minji who's in front of Mashiho. He was giving her some food from his plate.

"Ewh!" Both Haruto and Hayeol's face were in disgust.

"How's Doyoung? I've never seen him in a while." Byounggon drank a bit of his water.

"Hmm, don't mind him." Hayeol shrugged. "Busy, I guess?"

Hyunsuk raised one of his eye brows. "Busy for what?"

"Maybe, he'll confess to Hayeol and-." Jihoon was interrupted by Minji's coughing caused by choking in to her food. Mashiho then gave her water.

"You okay?" Hayeol rubbed her back. Minji then nodded as she gave her an ok sign.

Hayeol faced Jihoon and shook her head. "I don't think so."

Jeongwoo checked Haruto. He's eating fast and quietly, his eyes on his food, listening to the conversation going.

In just a few minutes, Haruto stood up. "I'm going, now."

"Mwoya? You finished too early." Hayeol looked up at him. "Just wait for us."

Haruto shrugged. "I'll go up to our classroom, now."

"Ahh... arasso."

She looked back at the boys. All eyes on her. "What?"


"Let's go to the rooftop!" Minji looked at Hayeol.

"Uhh... I'm not in the mood to go up there right now." Hayeol shrugged.

"Come on, Hayeol-ah."

"Y-you can go with Jeongwoo if you want." She looked at Jeongwoo. He's been walking with them on their way back to their classroom.

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