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"Hayeol-ah. HelloOOooO~" Minji tapped her best friend's shoulder a few more times until she finally wake up.

Hayeol lifted her head up, seeing Minji's serious face looking at her. "Finally. It's lunch time."

She stretched her arms before standing up. "I'm hungry. Gaja."

"How much sleep did you even get?" Minji snaked her hand around Hayeol's arm as they walked out of the classroom together.

Hayeol blinked twice. "Oh, I didn't sleep at all."

Minji's mouth formed to an 'o'. "Why?"

Hayeol pouted. "I forgot to do my researches, and homeworks so I did them all in one night. After those, I just couldn't sleep because of some thoughts coming in my head. You see these?" Hayeol pointed at her red eyes. "These don't look cute."

Minji laughed. "It's okay, Hayeolie! You don't look cute, anyways." With that, she received a hit from Hayeol.

"Yah." Hayeol glared at Minji.

"I'm kidding!" Minji looked at her right. "Oh- Doyoung-ah!" She pulled Hayeol and ran towards Doyoung.

Hayeol covered her eyes right away but Doyoung noticed it anyways. He shoved her hand away and looked at her eyes. "What happened?"

"She did not sleep, mister." Minji shrugged.

"Why didn't you?!"

Hayeol pouted. "It looks bad, doesn't it? I didn't feel sleepy after doing all my assignments so.."

Doyoung chuckled and held Hayeol's face with both hands. He pressed it which made her look like a dumpling duck. "It doesn't look bad since you still look cute, arasso?"

"Try your best to not fall asleep in class, you might be on detention at the end of the day." He continued. Hayeol nodded, her face still in between Doyoung's palms. "Next time you don't feel sleepy, call me so I can talk to you even if I'm sleepy as heck."

"Arasso, arasso~ let go of my face."

Doyoung finally lets go of Hayeol's face and just laughed.

"Doyoung-ah, hurry up." Midam called, before smiling at Hayeol as a greeting.

"Ne, hyung. Just a while."

"Oh, you aren't going to be eating lunch with us?" Minji asked.

Doyoung shook his head. "I'll have a talk with Midam and Noa hyung."

"Are you sure about that? Both of them are like... scary to talk to. Weird how Junkyu and Jihoon oppa can still hang out with them." Hayeol pointed out which made Minji and Doyoung laugh.

"Yeah, it will just be the three of us. Junkyu hyung is with Mashiho hyung."

"As expected!" Minji pouted.

Hayeol squinted her eyes on Minji. "Yah. There's something between you and Mashiho oppa that you're not telling me."

"W-what- nO! We're... close. Heh. Yeah we're just close friends." Minji shrugged.

"Alright. I gotta go now. Eat well, you two!" Doyoung ran back to where Midam and Noa was waiting. Hayeol and Minji then went to get themselves food.


"Yah, Jeongwoo. Can I copy your homework?" Haruto sat beside his friend.

Jeongwoo then reached for his notebook. "Why ask?"

"Hehe, thanks." Haruto started copying Jeongwoo's work while talking to him.

"Haruto!!" Someone called, which made him look at the door.

"Ani, ani! I'm not here for him..." He saw Myunghee biting her lip as she looked around. "I'm here for Hayeol."

Haruto raised his eye brow. "YAH! WHY NOT ME?!" Haruto pouted. Myunghee just mouthed 'not now'.

Hayeol looked at Minji. "Wait here." She stood up and went to Myunghee. "Wae?"

"Uhh.. I just wanna talk? Are you doing anything? I can just go back to my roo-."

"Ani, it's okay. I'm free. Would it be quick?"

"I'm not sure.. can we walk around?"

Hayeol nodded before looking back at Minji, who's already talking to a classmate of theirs. She really can't shut herself up in one corner..

After seeing Hayeol and Myunghee walk away from their classroom, "What does she want on Hayeol?" Jeongwoo asked.

Haruto just shrugged. "Not sure."

"Not sure? So you have something in mind."

Haruto stopped writing. "Not sure either."

Jeongwoo face palmed. "This is why I can't talk to you."

Haruto smiled. "Hehe."


"What do you want to talk about?" Hayeol smiled as they came in the school's garden.

Myunghee started thinking of some topic, since she doesn't even know where to start. "Uh.. Haruto."


"Haruto. He told me about the other day... he hit you on the park, right? The wound on your knee. I feel bad." She looked at Hayeol's knee as they both sat on the bench.

Hayeol laughed a bit. "What— you should not feel bad, though."

Myunghee nodded. "He also told me that he treated your wound."

She chuckled. "I'm proud? He told me he did that because I taught him that before."

"Taught him what?"

Myunghee looked at Hayeol. "Well, I always tell him that if he sees any person being on struggle, he should help. He got used to helping people because I was always with him and I would hit him if he doesn't do anything."

"He is such a great boyfriend to you, is he?"

"Was. He was such a great boyfriend to me. He's still great, though. Even though we're not together anymore, he takes care of me, tells me goodnight. Takes me home and always checks up on me."

With all Myunghee said, Hayeol suddenly felt envious and even she, doesn't know why.

"It's all the same as we were before but one thing's different, I'm not her girlfriend."

Hayeol gulped. "I'm not sure if I should ask this, but I'm just curious."

"Go ahead."

Hayeol bit her lip. "Why did you two break up?"

"I should not tell you the whole story, but I can just say that I lied to him." Tears started running down her cheeks.

"A huge lie, broke us apart, Hayeol." Myunghee continued. "And that made almost everybody hate me."

"His parents, his little sister. His best friend, Jeongwoo."

Hayeol went closer to her and started comforting her.

"What I want now, is us. I want us back together. But how can that happen if he has one reason to be confused about it?"

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