Chapter 2

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Jisoo POV

I am eating the plain hospital breakfast the next day when the door to my room flies open so aggressively that it hits the wall behind it making me jump.

"I heard the bitch was awake, but I was hoping they were wrong," my mother spits in disgust when she looks at me.

"Don't pick a fight. Just say what we came here to say so we can leave," my father grumbles beside her, not even glancing up at me once. My mother scoffs in response.

"You really are the stupidest girl alive, aren't you? Can't even walk across the street on your own. Well don't expect me to be paying for your mistake! This is all on you. Pay your own medical bills, and don't bother coming home when you get out. You are useless to me and I am sick and tired of having to see your hideous face around my house," she growls at me, barely keeping her voice under control.

"Don't think of us as your parents anymore," my father says over his shoulder as they both walk out of the room, leaving me to sit there in shock.

Tears spring into my eyes and I wipe them away as quickly as they fall. I'm not upset that they left me. I am probably better off on the streets than with them honestly. I am upset about the medical bills. I only have a little money saved up and it definitely won't be enough. What am I going to do?


When the doctor comes in to help me check out, I wince as he tells me the cost. It is more than double what I have.

"Won't your parents be paying for it?"

"No. I am on my own."

"Do you have any friends who could lend you the money? Teachers you are close with?" I am about to say no, when a thought comes to my mind.

"Do you have a phone I could borrow?" He nods and quickly returns with one. I dial the number I memorized a few months ago. It rings a few times before a calming voice comes through.


"Hi Ms. Cha. It's Jisoo. I am so sorry to bother you, but I have a huge favor to ask," I say hesitantly into the phone.

"What is it?"

"I am in the hospital. I had an accident and I don't have enough money to pay for the medical bill. I was wondering if you could help. I need 3.5 million won. I know it is a lot, but I will work hard as soon as I am better to pay you back, I promise," I ramble out, holding my breath as I wait for her answer.

"I will be there soon," is all she says before hanging up the phone. I knew I could rely on my dance teacher. Ever since I started training with her three months ago, she has been more of a mother to me than my actual mother is.


The door flies open again, but this time the person entering runs to my side and pulls me into a hug. I hold back a groan as pain shoots through my body. I feel my hospital gown start to get wet as she cries into my shoulder.

"Ms. Cha, why are you crying?"

"You never showed up to practice. For days I didn't know what happened to you. I was worried that your parents..." she lets her sentence trail off. She knows about how my parents were abusive. It was hard to hide all of the bruises and pretend like dancing didn't hurt sometimes.

"It's okay. I'm okay," I whisper. She hugs me for a few moments longer before pulling back.

"Okay, let's get you checked out," she says with a small smile.

After paying the money and signing a few forms, I change into the clothes that my teacher brought for me and sit in the wheelchair ready to leave.

"You'll have to come back for physical therapy and rehabilitation every day for the next two months. They will give you your pain medications during the sessions. It is on the first floor in room 133. It is 150,000 won per session," the doctor tells me as we are heading out. My eyes quickly fly to Ms. Cha.

"Jisoo... I am so sorry. I can't... I don't have enough money for that. I wish I could help..."

"Mrs. Cha, it is okay. You have already helped so much. I don't need physical therapy. I can just look exercises up and do them on my own. Don't worry about me," I plaster a fake smile on to make her feel better.

"If you don't get proper physical therapy, it may be difficult to walk or do anything properly. And you need the medications otherwise you will be in constant pain," the doctor interrupts.

"Well there isn't much I can do about it Doctor," I say sadly.


I buckle into my teacher's car as she stores the wheelchair in the back. Once she is seated next to me, she turns to me and tries to smile.

"Can you give me directions to your house?"

"Um, actually. I am not welcome at home anymore. Could you just take me to the school? I think the librarian will let me stay there for a while as I figure things out."

"What? No way. You will stay with me then."

"No, I can't be any more of a burden to you."

"I insist. It will make me feel slightly better about not being able to pay for your rehabilitation and medication."

"Okay, thank you. As soon as I am well enough, I will help out at the house." I smile my first real smile in days.

Even though everything is falling apart, it oddly seems to be okay. At least I am out of the hospital and I have a place to stay. I have to appreciate the little things.

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