Chapter 4

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Hoseok POV

I rub my eyes, willing the soreness to go away. I have been staring at this screen all morning watching the audition tapes of the trainees.

I am starting to get bored when a new tape starts. The girl's shy smile makes me intrigued. She was cute. A little chubby, but still pretty. When she smiled her eyes almost disappeared, reminding me of Jimin.

"Hello, my name is Kim Jisoo. I am 19 years old. I am an independent trainee of 7 months. Please take care of me," her soft voice comes through my computer speakers.

She starts the audition by singing, just like all of the others. But I am a little surprised  when I hear the familiar melody of The Truth Untold. Her voice was pleasant, but it wasn't the best I have heard today.

It cuts to her dance and I suddenly find it hard to breathe. Her moves carry so much power and yet they are still graceful. But what really stuns me is the passion I can see in her face, her eyes. It is almost a look of desperation, as if dance is a glass of water and she is dying of thirst. It is a feeling that I can relate to very well.

After her performance ends, I just continue to stare at my computer in shock. How is she an independent trainee? How has an agency not swept her up?

Once my body starts to work again, I quickly add her to the list of trainees that I want to be on the show. Hopefully the other coaches agree. I am dying to train this girl. She has so much potential.

I try to focus on the rest of the auditions for the next couple of hours, but my mind keeps wandering. I'm so caught up in my thoughts, that I don't hear someone come into my room.

"How's it going," Jimin whispers from right behind me. I jump out of my chair, startled.

"Aish, you scared me. What do you want?" I ask, annoyed.

"I want to see how the auditions are going," he says though his laughter. His eye smile makes me think of Jisoo again.

"You know I'm not supposed to show you. It's supposed to be confidential. You can see it when it comes out on TV."

"Come on Hyung, I know you wanna show me something," he whines. But he is right. I really want to show him Jisoo's dance. It's not like he is going to post about it or anything.

"Fine, I'll show you one thing if you make me a snack."

"Okay, I was about to make some ramen anyways! I'll be right back."

While he is in the kitchen, I pull up Jisoo's audition again. Jimin comes back a few minutes later. He pulls up another chair to my desk. We both get settled and start eating our ramen. I really needed this. I have been held up in my room all day and I forgot to eat lunch, so I'm starving now.

"Okay, I brought you food. Now show me something."

"This is my favorite dance submission so far," I say before hitting play. As she starts moving on the screen, I am mesmerized again. What happened in her life to make her dance with this much emotion?

As it comes to an end, both of us are silent. Eventually Jimin speaks up.

"She dances like it's the only thing keeping her alive. It's beautiful," he says in awe.

"I was thinking the same thing."

"Holy shit, she's only been training for seven months?!" he suddenly shrieks as he reads her info.

"Yeah I know. She's... amazing."

"Ooooh Hoseok Hyung has a crush!!" he giggles beside me. I slap him playfully across the back of his head.

"Shut up, I do not. I don't even know her and she's so much younger than me. I just really admire her dance," I say defensively. I feel a blush spread across my cheeks, and I know Jimin sees it.

"Yeah okay Hyung. She's totally your type," he laughs again.

"Aish, I showed you a video. Now get out of my room." I'm not mad at him, I'm just embarrassed. I don't like being teased. But is he right?

Once he is gone, I look back to my computer screen. I just have a few more auditions to go so I might as well finish them now. I finish soon after, but none of the other trainees stick in my head quite like Jisoo.

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