Chapter 8

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Jisoo POV

I wake up to the sound of music blaring out of the speaker that is right next to my head since I unfortunately got the top bunk.

I groan and hide under my blankets, not caring that I am on camera right now. Eventually I throw the blanket off and stretch quickly.

I want to start today off in a good mood, and forget about yesterday. I mean, I'm on Create 101. Thousands of people would kill for this opportunity. I have to start enjoying it before it passes me by.

I wince in pain as I climb down from my bunk. The rest of the girls are also getting up. We all exchange good mornings. They seemed nice yesterday as we moved in, but I am still nervous from yesterday's attempts at making friends.

Two of them are from Maroo Entertainment and the other three are from Starship Entertainment. It's intimidating since they come from such good agencies and I am just an independent trainee.

I pull on my yellow shirt that was given to all of the C class trainees. I smile, even though it isn't the pink color given to the A class. Yellow has always been my favorite color anyways.

We all walk to the cafeteria together. Seohyun and Dohee, the Maroo trainees, start talking to me.

"You dance really well for an independent trainee!" Dohee says encouragingly.

"Yeah, I think I only got a C because Maroo is supposed to be good. I'm a terrible dancer," Seohyun adds.

"That's not true! The judges were equally hard on everyone. You definitely earned the C fairly," I try to cheer her up.

"Haha if you say so. How about we all practice together every day? That way we can get really good and move up to A during the grade reevaluations!" Seohyun suggests enthusiastically.

"That's a good idea, I hate practicing alone," I admit. I am starting to get excited about having these girls as friends, but I'm still going to be cautious.

We finally reach the cafeteria. Dohee and Seohyun pile their plates full of food. I am about to do the same when my mind flashes back to yesterday. Don't talk to me fatty. I decide to just get an apple and some banana milk.

"Yah, Jisoo. You need more food than that. We need fuel for the loooong day ahead of us," Dohee says as I sit down with them at one of the tables.

"I've never been a big breakfast eater." Lies.

"Hmm okay, but then you better have a big lunch!"

I just laugh as a response.

"So, who do you want to be our coach today?" I ask, changing the topic.

"Ahhh I hope it's Hoseok sunbae!" Seohyun almost screams. A week ago, I would have said the same thing but after seeing him look so disappointed in me yesterday I'm not so sure.

"I hope we get Kahi sunbae. She's my role model," Dohee explains.

"I'd be happy with any of the four. They are all so talented. We are going to learn a lot," I answer my own question.

"If – no, when – we make it through the dance stage, are you going to train as a vocal or rapper?" Dohee asks through a mouthful of food. The sight makes me laugh.

"Singer. But I'm worried because I don't have a big range and Create 101 is known for having songs with a lot of high notes," I say nervously.

"I'm a singer too! Dohee is a rapper. I could help you expand your range before the dance stage is over if you want. It would give me an excuse to take a break from dancing every once in a while," Seohyun offers kindly.

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