Chapter 16

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Hoseok POV

Something is poking my cheek. I groan and hope whatever it is stops. I need more sleep. When it continues, I give up on sleep and peek to see what it is. Jimin is hovering over me.

"What do you want Jimin?" I ask, a little annoyed. He is disrupting a good dream.

"Sorry to wake you so early, but you kinda need to leave soon if you want to be able to sneak Jisoo back in without anyone noticing," he says apologetically.

"Jisoo, what?" I say confused. He looks at me dumbfoundedly and then points to my side. I look over and sure enough, Jisoo is curled up against me. I guess it wasn't a dream... I don't know whether to be happy or to panic.

"Shit," I whisper. I try to pull my arm out from underneath her and shift her legs off of me without waking her up.

"Uh, this is weird. What do I do?" I ask Jimin.

"Dude, so not my problem," he laughs as he climbs back into his own bed.

"Wow, helpful," I pout.

"I already saved your ass once this morning. I can't do all of the work" he replies before pulling the blanket up over his head. Cute.

I grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. After I am done, I walk back into the room and look at Jisoo. She looks so beautiful, so serene. I feel bad having to wake her.

"Jisoo, wake up. We accidentally fell asleep," I say soothingly as I gently shake her awake.

"What, where are we?" she asks, barely awake.

"We are still at my dorm. We have to get back to the training center before people notice," I say.

"We slept at your dorm?" she shrieks as things finally process in her brain.

"Shhh, Jimin is sleeping" I laugh at her reaction. She looks so cute right now with her hair all messed up, eyes wide in shock.

"Oh sorry," she whispers, looking over at Jimin's bed.

"Here are some clothes. They are probably going to be huge on you but it's the best I have. You can go shower. I left a towel and an extra toothbrush for you in the bathroom. I'll make us some breakfast while you wash up," I say, handing her the clothes.

"Thank you, I'll be quick," she says gratefully, giving me a quick smile. I smile back before heading to the kitchen.

Once I am alone in the kitchen, I finally process everything that happened. I cooked for her, we watched TV together, we fell asleep in each others arms, and now I am cooking breakfast. It seems so domestic, like boyfriend and girlfriend... except that could never happen. At least not when I am her coach.

I'm pretty sure this is the opposite of what everyone meant when they told me to be careful with my feelings. I just couldn't help it last night. She was so upset. I just wanted to be with her, to cheer her up and make sure she is okay.

I think I crossed a line though. Even though I know my own feelings for her, I don't know how she feels. I shouldn't have taken advantage of her vulnerable state to get close with her. Also, if she gets in trouble for this, it could really hurt her future career. I was really selfish last night.

Still, I can't get myself to regret any of it. It felt so good to have her next to me. I love spending time with her outside of the training facility. She is much more free spirited when she is away from the stress. We laughed so much last night over the simplest things, just happy to enjoy each other's company. It felt right, even if it was wrong.

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